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Data model

Definition of request, response messages and properties used by the Fusion API's.

Data format

  • Mandatory fields have a check (✔) mark in the "Requ" column.
    • A mandatory field must be present (not null, not whitespace) and if a string, have a length > 0.
  • Each field is marked with a data format. Available data formats are outlined below
Integer (MIN, MAX)A whole number.
  • MIN: the minimum integer value.
  • MAX: the maximum integer value
Decimal (MIN, MAX, PRECISION)A decimal number.
  • MIN: the minimum decimal value
  • MAX: the maximum decimal value
  • PRECISION: the maximum number of decimal places
Currency (MIN, MAX)Decimal formatted as $$$$$$$.CC.
  • MIN: the minimum currency value
  • MAX: the maximum currency value
String (MIN, MAX)String representing printable ASCII characters (character code 32-127).
  • MIN: the minimum string length
  • MAX: the maximum string length
UUID128-bit text string formatted as:
ISO8601iso8601 formatted date and time. See ISO 8601 - Wikipedia
Booleantrue or false.
ObjectAn object containing other properties.
EnumOne of an enumeration of values.
Array (X)An array of specified data type.

Request/response messages


The SaleToPOIRequest and SaleToPOIResponse are used to wrap request and response messages and contain at least two objects:

  1. A MessageHeader object.
  2. A Payload request or response object of variable types.


MessageHeaderObjectMessage header
PaymentRequestObjectIf payment request
LoginRequestObjectIf login request
LogoutRequestObjectIf logout request
DisplayRequestObjectIf display request
InputRequestObjectIf input request
PrintRequestObjectIf print request
TransactionStatusRequestObjectIf transaction status request
AbortRequestObjectIf abort request
ReconciliationRequestObjectIf reconciliation request
CardAcquisitionRequestObjectIf card acquisition request


"SaleToPOIRequest": {


MessageHeaderObjectMessage header
PaymentRequestObjectIf payment request
LoginRequestObjectIf login request
LogoutRequestObjectIf logout request
DisplayRequestObjectIf display request
InputRequestObjectIf input request
PrintRequestObjectIf print request
TransactionStatusRequestObjectIf transaction status request
AbortRequestObjectIf abort request
ReconciliationRequestObjectIf reconciliation request
CardAcquisitionRequestObjectIf card acquisition request


"SaleToPOIResponse": {


A MessageHeader is included with each request and response. It defines the protocol and message type.



MessageClassEnumInforms the receiver of the class of message. Possible values are "Service", "Device", or "Event"
MessageCategoryEnumIndicates the category of message. Possible values are "CardAcquisition", "Display", "Login", "Logout", "Payment"
MessageTypeEnumType of message. Possible values are "Request", "Response", or "Notification"
ServiceIDUUIDA unique value which will be mirrored in the response. See ServiceID.

Balance inquiry


Balance inquiry request/response currently in DRAFT status

The Sale System can send a balance inquiry to instruct the POI terminal to read a card and return the outstanding balance.

Balance inquiry request

Balance inquiry request

"BalanceInquiryRequest": {


The BalanceInquiryRequest node is intentionally empty.

Balance inquiry response

Balance inquiry response

"BalanceInquiryResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success | Failure",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"PaymentAccountStatus": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "Card",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "xxx",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "xxx",
"PaymentBrand": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandId": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "xxx",
"Account": "xxx",
"MaskedPAN": "xxxxxx…xxxx",
"PaymentToken": {
"TokenRequestedType": "xxx",
"TokenValue": "xxx",
"ExpiryDateTime": "xxx"
"StoredValueAccountID": {
"StoredValueAccountType": "GiftCard | PhoneCard | Other",
"StoredValueProvider": "",
"OwnerName": "",
"ExpiryDate": "MMYY",
"EntryMode": "",
"IdentificationType": "",
"StoredValueID": ""
"CurrentBalance": 0.00,
"Currency": "AUD",

"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": "xxx",
"MerchantID": "xxx",
"AcquirerPOIID": "xxx",
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"ApprovalCode": "xxx",
"ResponseCode": "xxx",
"HostReconciliationID": "xxx"


ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the login
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
  PaymentInstrumentTypeString(1,128)"Card" or "Mobile"
   EntryModeEnumIndicates how the card was presented.
   PaymentBrandString(1,128)Deprecated. Use PaymentBrandId
   PaymentBrandIdString(4,4)Indicates the payment type used.
   PaymentBrandLabelString(0,256)Descriptive label of the payment type used.
   MaskedPANString(1,64)PAN masked with dots, first 6 and last 4 digits visible
   AccountString(1,64)Present if EntryMode is "MagStripe", "ICC", or "Tapped". Indicates the card account used. See Account
  StoredValueAccountIDObjectPresent if the card presented was a gift card / stored value card
   StoredValueAccountTypeEnumType of stored value account. GiftCard
   StoredValueProviderString(1,256)Identification of the provider of the stored value account.
   OwnerNameString(1,256)If available, the name of the owner of a stored value account.
   EntryModeEnumIndicates how the payment type was presented.
   IdentificationTypeEnumType of account identification contained in StoredValueID. Values are PAN
   StoredValueIDString(128)Stored value account identification
CurrentBalanceCurrency(0,999999.99)Balance of an account.
CurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".
PaymentAcquirerDataObjectData related to the response from the payment acquirer
  AcquirerIDStringThe ID of the acquirer which processed the transaction
  MerchantIDString(1,32)The acquirer merchant ID (MID)
  AcquirerPOIIDString(1,16)The acquirer terminal ID (TID)
   TransactionIDString(1,128)The acquirer transaction ID
   TimeStampISO8601Timestamp from the acquirer, formatted as ISO8601
  ApprovalCodeString(0,64)The Acquirer Approval Code. Also referred to as the Authentication Code
  ResponseCodeString(0,8)The Acquirer Response Code. Also referred as the PINPad response code
  STANString(1,32)The Acquirer STAN if available
  RRNString(1,32)The Acquirer RRN if available
  HostReconciliationIDString(1,32)Identifier of a reconciliation period with the acquirer. This normally has a date and time component in it
PaymentReceiptArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
  DocumentQualifierEnum"CashierReceipt" for a merchant receipt, otherwise "SaleReceipt"
  RequiredSignatureFlagBooleanIf true, the card holder signature is required on the merchant CashierReceipt.
  OutputContentArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
   OutputXHTMLString(0,4096)The payment receipt in XHTML format but coded in BASE64
  CurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".
  RequestedAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)The requested amount for the transaction sale items, including cash back and tip requested


The Sale System sends a Login request when it is ready to pair with a POI terminal. The Sale System can pair with multiple POI terminals by sending multiple Login requests.

Login request

Login request

"LoginRequest": {
"DateTime": "xxx",
"SaleSoftware": {
"ProviderIdentification": "xxx",
"ApplicationName": "xxx",
"SoftwareVersion": "xxx",
"CertificationCode": "xxx"
"SaleTerminalData": {
"TerminalEnvironment": "xxx",
"SaleCapabilities": [
"TotalsGroupID": "xxx"
"OperatorLanguage": "en",
"OperatorID": "xxx",
"ShiftNumber": "xxx",
"POISerialNumber": "xxx",
"Pairing": "true or false"

DateTimeISO8601Current Sale System time, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"
SaleSoftwareObjectObject containing Sale System identification
ProviderIdentificationString(1,256)The name of the company supplying the Sale System. Provided by DataMesh.
ApplicationNameString(1,256)The name of the Sale System application. Provided by DataMesh.
SoftwareVersionString(1,256)The software version of the Sale System. Must be the software version of the current build.
CertificationCodeGUIDCertification code for this Sale System. Provided by DataMesh.
SaleTerminalDataObjectObject containing Sale System configuration
TerminalEnvironmentEnum"Attended", "SemiAttended", or "Unattended"
SaleCapabilitiesArrayAdvises the POI System of the Sale System capabilities. See SaleCapabilities
TotalsGroupIdString(1,256)Groups transactions in a login session
OperatorLanguageString(2,8)Operator language. Set to 'en'
OperatorIdString(1,128)Groups transactions under this operator id
ShiftNumberString(1,128)Groups transactions under this shift number
POISerialNumberString(1,128)The POISerialNumber from the last login response, or absent if this is the first login
PairingBooleanTrue if the POI ID in the MessageHeader is the PairingPOIID value from the pairing QR code data for the QR POS Pairing

Login response

Login response

"LoginResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"POISystemData": {
"DateTime": "xxx",
"POISoftware": {
"ProviderIdentification": "xxx",
"ApplicationName": "xxx",
"SoftwareVersion": "xxx"
"POITerminalData": {
"TerminalEnvironment": "xxx",
"POICapabilities": [
"POIProfile": {
"GenericProfile": "Custom"
"POISerialNumber": "xxx"
"POIStatus": {
"GlobalStatus": "xxx",
"PEDOKFlag": "true or false",
"CardReaderOKFlag": "true or false",
"PrinterStatus": "xxx",
"CommunicationOKFlag": "true or false",
"FraudPreventionFlag": "true or false"
"TokenRequestStatus": "true or false"

ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the login
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
POISystemDataObjectOnly present when Result is "Success"
DateTimeISO8601Time on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"
TokenRequestStatusBooleanTrue if POI tokenisation of PANs is available and usable
POITerminalDataObjectObject representing the POI Terminal
  TerminalEnvironmentEnumMirrored from the request
  POICapabilitiesArray(Enum)An array of strings which reflect the hardware capabilities of the POI Terminal. "MagStripe", "ICC", and "EMVContactless"
  GenericProfileEnumSet to "Custom"
  POISerialNumberString(1,256)If POIID is "POI Server", then a virtual POI Terminal Serial Number. Otherwise the serial number of the POI Terminal
POIStatusObjectObject representing the current status of the POI Terminal
  GlobalStatusString(1,256)The current status of the POI Terminal. "OK" when the terminal is available. "Maintenance" if unavailable due to maintenance processing. "Unreachable" if unreachable or not responding
  SecurityOKFlagBooleanTrue if the security module is present
  PEDOKFlagBooleanTrue if PED is available and usable for PIN entry
  CardReaderOKFlagBooleanTrue if card reader is available and usable
  PrinterStatusEnumIndicates terminal printer status. Possible values are "OK", "PaperLow", "NoPaper", "PaperJam", "OutOfOrder"
  CommunicationOKFlagBooleanTrue if terminal's communication is available and usable
  FraudPreventionFlagBooleanTrue if the POI detects possible fraud


Logging out is optional.

If sent, it tells the POI system that it won’t send new transactions to the POI Terminal and unpairs the Sale Terminal from the POI Terminal. Any further transactions to that POI Terminal will be rejected by the POI System until the next Login.

The Sale System may send multiple Login requests without a Logout request.

Logout request

Logout request

"LogoutRequest": {
"MaintenanceAllowed": "true or false"

MaintenanceAllowedBooleanIndicates if the POI Terminal can enter maintenance mode. Default to true if not present.

Logout response

Logout response

"LogoutResponse": {
"Response": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx"

ResponseObjectObject which represents the result of the response
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when result is "Failure". Possible values are "MessageFormat", "Busy", "DeviceOut", "UnavailableService" and others. Note the Sale System should handle error conditions outside the ones documented in this specification.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information of possible values.


The payment message is used to perform purchase, purchase + cash out, cash out only, and refund requests.

Payment request

Payment request

"PaymentRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"OperatorID": "xxx",
"OperatorLanguage": "en",
"ShiftNumber": "xxx",
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"SaleReferenceID": "xxx",
"SaleTerminalData": {
"TerminalEnvironment": "xxx",
"SaleCapabilities": [
"TotalsGroupID": "xxx"
"TokenRequestedType": "Customer | Transaction"
"PaymentTransaction": {
"AmountsReq": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"RequestedAmount": "x.xx",
"CashBackAmount": "x.xx",
"TipAmount": "x.xx",
"PaidAmount": "x.xx",
"MaximumCashBackAmount": "x.xx",
"MinimumSplitAmount": "x.xx"
"OriginalPOITransaction": {
"SaleID": "xxx",
"POIID": "xxx",
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"ReuseCardDataFlag": true,
"ApprovalCode": "xxx",
"LastTransactionFlag": true
"TransactionConditions": {
"AllowedPaymentBrand": [
"AcquirerID": [
"DebitPreferredFlag": true,
"ForceOnlineFlag": true,
"MerchantCategoryCode": "xxx"
"SaleItem": [
"ItemID": "xxx",
"ProductCode": "xxx",
"EanUpc": "xxx",
"UnitOfMeasure": "xxx",
"Quantity": "xx.x",
"UnitPrice": "xx.x",
"ItemAmount": "xx.x",
"TaxCode": "xxx",
"SaleChannel": "xxx",
"ProductLabel": "xxx",
"AdditionalProductInfo": "xxx",
"CostBase": "xxx",
"Discount": "xxx",
"Categories": [
"Brand": "xxx",
"QuantityInStock": "xxx",
"Tags": [
"PageURL": "xxx",
"ImageURLs": [
"Size": "xxx",
"Colour": "xxx",
"Weight": "xx.xx",
"WeightUnitOfMeasure": "xxx"
"PaymentData": {
"PaymentType": "xxx",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "xxx",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "xxx",
"PaymentBrand": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandId": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "xxx",
"Account": "xxx",
"MaskedPAN": "xxxxxx…xxxx",
"PaymentToken": {
"TokenRequestedType": "xxx",
"TokenValue": "xxx",
"ExpiryDateTime": "xxx"
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "xxx",
"Type": "xxx",
"Value": "xxx"

SaleDataObjectSale System information attached to this payment
OperatorIDString(1,128)Only required if different from Login Request
OperatorLanguageString(2,8)Set to "en"
ShiftNumberString(1,128)Only required if different from Login Request
SaleReferenceIDString(1,128)Mandatory for pre-authorisation and completion, otherwise optional. See SaleReferenceID
TokenRequestedTypeEnumIf present, indicates which type of token should be created for this payment. See TokenRequestedType
  TransactionIDString(1,128)Unique reference for this sale ticket. Not necessarily unique per payment request; for example a sale with split payments will have a number of payments with the same TransactionID
  TimeStampISO8601Time of initiating the payment request on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"
SaleTerminalDataObjectDefine Sale System configuration. Only include if elements within have different values to those in Login Request
  TerminalEnvironmentEnum"Attended", "SemiAttended", or "Unattended"
  SaleCapabilitiesArray(Enum)Advises the POI System of the Sale System capabilities. See SaleCapabilities
  TotalsGroupIdString(1,256)Groups transactions in a login session
AmountsReqObjectObject which contains the various components which make up the payment amount
  CurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".
  RequestedAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)The requested amount for the transaction sale items, including cash back and tip requested
  CashBackAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)The Cash back amount. Only if cash back is included in the transaction by the Sale System
  TipAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)The Tip amount. Only if tip is included in the transaction. Setting TipAmount to 0 will display the Tip Entry screen in the POI Terminal. Do not set TipAmount to 0 if you don't want the Tip Entry screen to be displayed in the POI terminal.
  PaidAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Sum of the amount of sale items – RequestedAmount. Present only if an amount has already been paid in the case of a split payment.
  MaximumCashBackAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Available if CashBackAmount is not present. If present, the POI Terminal prompts for the cash back amount up to a maximum of MaximumCashBackAmount
  MinimumSplitAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Present only if the POI Terminal can process an amount less than the RequestedAmount as a split amount. Limits the minimum split amount allowed.
OriginalPOITransactionObjectIdentifies a previous POI transaction. Mandatory for Refund and Completion. See OriginalPOITransaction
  SaleIDString(1,128)SaleID which performed the original transaction
  POIIDString(1,128)POIID which performed the original transaction
   TransactionIDString(1,128)TransactionID from the original transaction
   TimeStampISO8601TimeStamp from the original transaction
  ReuseCardDataFlagBooleanIf 'true' the POI Terminal will retrieve the card data from file based on the PaymentToken included in the request. Otherwise the POI Terminal will read the same card again.
  ApprovalCodeString(1,128)Present if a referral code is obtained from an Acquirer
  LastTransactionFlagBooleanSet to true to process the Last Transaction with a referral code
TransactionConditionsObjectOptional transaction configuration. Present only if any of the JSON elements within are present.
  AllowedPaymentBrandArray(String)Restricts the request to specified card brands. See AllowedPaymentBrand
  AcquirerIDString(1,128)Used to restrict the payment to specified acquirers. See AcquirerID
  DebitPreferredFlagBooleanIf present, debit processing is preferred to credit processing.
  ForceOnlineFlagBooleanIf 'true' the transaction will only be processed in online mode, and will fail if there is no response from the Acquirer.
  MerchantCategoryCodeString(1,64)If present, overrides the MCC used for processing the transaction if allowed. Refer to ISO 18245 for available codes.
SaleItemArray(Object)Array of SaleItem objects which represent the product basket attached to this transaction. See SaleItem for examples.
  ItemIDInteger(0,9999)A unique identifier for the sale item within the context of this payment. e.g. a 0..n integer which increments by one for each sale item.
  ProductCodeString(1,128)A unique identifier for the product within the merchant, such as the SKU. For example if two customers purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode.
  EanUpcString(1,128)A standard unique identifier for the product. Either the UPC, EAN, or ISBN. Required for products with a UPC, EAN, or ISBN
  UnitOfMeasureEnumUnit of measure of the Quantity. If this item has no unit of measure, set to "Other"
  QuantityDecimal(0,999999,8)Sale item quantity based on UnitOfMeasure.
  UnitPriceDecimal(0,999999,8)Price per sale item unit. Present if Quantity is included.
  ItemAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Total amount of the sale item
  TaxCodeString(1,32)Type of tax associated with the sale item. Default = "GST"
  SaleChannelString(1,128)Commercial or distribution channel of the sale item. Default = "Unknown"
  ProductLabelString(1,256)a short, human readable, descriptive name of the product. For example, ProductLabel could contain the product name typically printed on the customer receipt.
  AdditionalProductInfoStringAdditional information, or more detailed description of the product item.
  ParentItemIDInteger(0,9999)Required if this item is a 'modifier' or sub-item. Contains the ItemID of the parent SaleItem
  CostBase[Currency(0.01,999999.99)]Cost of the product to the merchant per unit
  Discount[Currency(0.01,999999.99)]If applied, the amount this sale item was discounted by
  CategoriesArray(String)Array of categories. Top level "main" category at categories[0]. See Categories for more information.
  BrandString(1,256)Brand name - typically visible on the product packaging or label
  QuantityInStockDecimalRemaining number of this item in stock in same unit of measure as Quantity
  TagsArray(String)String array with descriptive tags for the product
  RestrictedBooleantrue if this is a restricted item, false otherwise. Defaults to false when field is null.
  PageURLString(1,512)URL link to the sale items product page
  ImageURLsArray(String)String array of images URLs for this sale item
  StyleString(1,256)Style of the sale item
  SizeString(1,64)Size of the sale item
  ColourString(1,64)Colour of the sale item
  WeightDecimal(0,999999,8)Sale item weight, based on WeightUnitOfMeasure
  WeightUnitOfMeasureEnumUnit of measure of the Weight.
PaymentDataObjectObject representing the payment method. Present only if any of the JSON elements within are present.  
  PaymentTypeEnumDefaults to "Normal". Indicates the type of payment to process. "Normal", "Refund", or "CashAdvance". See PaymentType  
  PaymentInstrumentDataObjectObject with represents card details for token or manually enter card details. See for object structure.  
CustomFieldsArray(Object)Array of key/type/value objects containing additional payment information

Payment response

Payment response

"PaymentResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success| Partial | Failure",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"SaleReferenceID": "xxxx"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"POIReconciliationID": "xxx"
"PaymentResult": {
"PaymentType": "xxx",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "xxx",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "xxx",
"PaymentBrand": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandId": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "xxx",
"Account": "xxx",
"MaskedPAN": "xxxxxx…xxxx",
"PaymentToken": {
"TokenRequestedType": "xxx",
"TokenValue": "xxx",
"ExpiryDateTime": "xxx"
"AmountsResp": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"AuthorizedAmount": "x.xx",
"TotalFeesAmount": "x.xx",
"CashBackAmount": "x.xx",
"TipAmount": "x.xx",
"SurchargeAmount": "x.xx"
"OnlineFlag": true,
"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": "xxx",
"MerchantID": "xxx",
"AcquirerPOIID": "xxx",
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"ApprovalCode": "xxx",
"ResponseCode": "xxx",
"HostReconciliationID": "xxx"
"CurrentBalance": "x.xx",
"Currency": "AUD"
"AllowedProductCodes": [
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "xxx",
"RequiredSignatureFlag": true,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"OutputXHTML": "xxx"

ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the payment
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
  TransactionIDString(1,128)Mirrored from the request
  TimeStampISO8601Mirrored from the request
SaleReferenceIDString(1,128)Mirrored from the request
  TransactionIDString(1,128)A unique transaction id from the POI system
  TimeStampISO8601Time on the POI system, formatted as ISO8601
POIReconciliationIDString(1,128)Present if Result is "Success" or "Partial". See POIReconciliationID
PaymentResultObjectObject related to a processed payment
PaymentTypeEnumMirrored from the request
  PaymentInstrumentTypeString(1,128)"Card" or "Mobile"
   EntryModeString(1,128)Indicates how the card was presented.
   PaymentBrandString(1,128)Deprecated. Use PaymentBrandId
   PaymentBrandIDString(4,4)Indicates the payment type used.
   PaymentBrandLabelString(0,256)Descriptive label of the payment type used.
   MaskedPANString(1,64)PAN masked with dots, first 6 and last 4 digits visible
   AccountString(1,64)Present if EntryMode is "MagStripe", "ICC", or "Tapped". Indicates the card account used. See Account
   PaymentTokenObjectObject representing a token. Only present if token was requested
    TokenRequestedTypeString(1,64)Mirrored from the request
    TokenValueString(1,128)The value of the token
    ExpiryDateTimeISO8601Expiry of the token, formatted as ISO8601
AmountsRespObjectPresent if Result is "Success" or "Partial"
  CurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".
  AuthorizedAmountDecimalAuthorised amount which could be more, or less than the requested amount
  TotalFeesAmountDecimalTotal of financial fees associated with the payment transaction if known at time of transaction
  CashBackAmountDecimalCash back paid amount
  TipAmountDecimalThe amount of any tip added to the transaction
  SurchargeAmountDecimalThe amount of any surcharge added to the transaction
OnlineFlagBooleanTrue if the transaction was processed online, false otherwise
PaymentAcquirerDataObjectData related to the response from the payment acquirer
  AcquirerIDStringThe ID of the acquirer which processed the transaction
  MerchantIDString(1,32)The acquirer merchant ID (MID)
  AcquirerPOIIDString(1,16)The acquirer terminal ID (TID)
   TransactionIDString(1,128)The acquirer transaction ID
   TimeStampISO8601Timestamp from the acquirer, formatted as ISO8601
  ApprovalCodeString(0,64)The Acquirer Approval Code. Also referred to as the Authentication Code
  ResponseCodeString(0,8)The Acquirer Response Code. Also referred as the PINPad response code
  STANString(1,32)The Acquirer STAN if available
  RRNString(1,32)The Acquirer RRN if available
  HostReconciliationIDString(1,32)Identifier of a reconciliation period with the acquirer. This normally has a date and time component in it
CurrentBalanceCurrency(0,999999.99)If relevant and known
CurrencyString(3,3)If CurrentBalance is relevant and known, the three character ISO 4217 formatted currency code. Set to "AUD".
AllowedProductCodesArray(String)Present if ErrorCondition is "PaymentRestriction". Consists of a list of product codes corresponding to products that are purchasable with the given card. Items that exist in the basket but do not belong to this list corresponds to restricted items
PaymentReceiptArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
  DocumentQualifierEnum"CashierReceipt" for a merchant receipt, otherwise "SaleReceipt"
  RequiredSignatureFlagBooleanIf true, the card holder signature is required on the merchant CashierReceipt.
  OutputContentArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
   OutputXHTMLString(0,4096)The payment receipt in XHTML format but coded in BASE64

Display request

During a payment, the POI System will send status and error display requests to the Sale System, which enables the Sale System to inform the cashier of the current transaction status.

Follow the user interface guide for details on how to implement the required UI to handle display and input requests.

Display request

Display request

"DisplayRequest": {
"DisplayOutput": {
"ResponseRequiredFlag": false,
"Device": "CashierDisplay",
"InfoQualify": "xxx",
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "Text",
"OutputText": {
"Text": "xxx"

DisplayOutputObjectObject which represents the display
ResponseRequiredFlagBooleanIndicates if the POI System requires a DisplayResponse to be sent for this DisplayRequest
InfoQualifyEnum"Status" or "Error". See InfoQualify
TextString(1,256)Single line of text to display

Display response

Display response

"DisplayResponse": {
"OutputResult": [
"Device": "xxx",
"InfoQualify": "xxx",
"Response": {
"Result": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"


The Sale System is expected to send a DisplayResponse if one or more displays in DisplayOutput have ResponseRequiredFlag set to true.

OutputResultObjectResponse for Device/InfoQualify pair where corresponding ResponseRequiredFlag in the DisplayRequest is set to true.
DeviceString(1,128)Mirrored from display request
InfoQualifyEnumMirrored from display request
ResultEnum"Success", "Partial", or "Failure". See Result.
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.



The Input UI elements are not currently available, and will be supported by a future Unify release. Support for these elements by the Sale System is optional.

During a payment, the POI System will input requests to the Sale System if cashier interaction is required (e.g. signature approved yes/no)

Follow the user interface guide for details on how to implement the required UI to handle display and input requests.

Input request

Input request

"InputRequest": {
"DisplayOutput": {
"Device": "CashierDisplay",
"InfoQualify": "POIReplication",
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "Text",
"OutputText": {
"Text": "xxx"
"MenuEntry": [
"OutputFormat": "Text",
"OutputText": {
"Text": "xxx"
"InputData": {
"Device": "CashierInput",
"InfoQualify": "xxx",
"InputCommand": "xxx",
"MaxInputTime": "xxx",
"MinLength": "xxx",
"MaxLength": "xxx",
"MaskCharactersFlag": "true or false"

DisplayOutputObjectInformation to display and the way to process the display.
InfoQualifyEnum"POIReplication". See InfoQualify
  OutputTextObjectWrapper for text content
   TextString(1,256)Single line of text. e.g. "Signature Ok?", "Merchant Password", "Select Account Type"
MenuEntryArray(Object)Conditional. Array of items to be presented as a menu. Only present if InputCommand = "GetMenuEntry"
  TextString(1,256)One of the selection String items for the cashier to select from. For example: "Savings", "Cheque" and "Credit" for an account type selection.
InputDataObjectInformation related to an Input request
InfoQualifyEnum"Input" or "CustomerAssistance". See InfoQualify
InputCommandEnum"GetConfirmation", "Password", "TextString", "DigitString", "DecimalString", or "GetMenuEntry". See InputCommand
MaxInputTimeInteger(1,999)The maximum number of seconds allowed for providing input. Note the Sale Terminal needs to abort the Input process if it receives a DisplayRequest or InputRequest whilst waiting on input from the Cashier.
MinLengthInteger(1,999)The minimum number of characters allowed for entry. Present if InputCommand = "Password", "TextString", "DigitString", or "DecimalString"
MaxLengthInteger(1,999)The maximum number of characters allowed for entry. Present if InputCommand = "Password", "TextString", "DigitString", or "DecimalString"
MaskCharactersFlagBooleanIf true, input should be masked with '*'. Present if InputCommand = "Password"

Input response

Input response

"ConfirmedFlag":"true or false",

OutputResultObjectPresent if DisplayOutput is present in the request
DeviceEnumMirrored from input request
InfoQualifyString(1,128)Mirrored from input request
  ResultEnum"Success", "Partial", or "Failure". See Result.
  ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
  AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
InputResultObjectInformation related to the result the input
DeviceString(1,128)Mirrored from input request
InfoQualifyEnumMirrored from input request
  ResultEnum"Success", "Partial", or "Failure". See Result.
  ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
  AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
  InputCommandStringMirrored from input request
  ConfirmedFlagBooleanResult of GetConfirmation input request. Present if InputCommand = "GetConfirmation"
  MenuEntryNumberInteger(1,999)A number from 1 to n, when n is total number of objects in MenuEntry of InputRequest. Mandatory, if InputCommand is "GetMenuEntry". Not allowed, otherwise
  TextInputString(1,1024)Value entered by the Cashier. Mandatory, if InputCommand is "TextString" or "DecimalString". Not allowed, otherwise
  DigitInputDecimal(0,999999.99)Value entered by the Cashier. Mandatory, if InputCommand is "DigitString". Not allowed, otherwise


During a payment, the POI System may send print requests to the Sale System if a receipt is to be printed before the payment response can be finalised (e.g. when a signature is required).

In this case the Sale System should examine the properties in the print request and print the receipt accordingly.

The final payment receipt, which is to be included in the Sale receipt, is returned in the payment response.


The Sale System does not need to implement the Print request as signature receipt printing is currently managed by the POI Terminal.

Print request

"PrintRequest": {
"PrintOutput": {
"DocumentQualifier": "CashierReceipt",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": false,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": true,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"OutputXHTML": "xxxx"

  DocumentQualifierEnum"CashierReceipt" for a merchant receipt, otherwise "SaleReceipt"
  IntegratedPrintFlagBooleanTrue if the receipt should be included with the Sale receipt, false if the receipt should be printed now and paper cut (e.g. for a signature receipt)
  RequiredSignatureFlagBooleanIf true, the card holder signature is required on the merchant CashierReceipt.
  OutputContentArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
   OutputXHTMLString(0,4096)The payment receipt in XHTML format but coded in BASE64

Print response

"PrintResponse": {
"DocumentQualifier": "CashierReceipt",
"Response": {
"Result": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"

DocumentQualifierEnumMirrored from print request
  ResultEnum"Success", "Partial", or "Failure". See Result.
  ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
  AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.

Transaction status

A transaction status request can be used to obtain the status of a previous transaction. Required for error handling.

Transaction status request

Transaction status request

"TransactionStatusRequest": {
"MessageReference": {
"MessageCategory": "xxx",
"ServiceID": "xxx",
"SaleID": "xxx",
"POIID": "xxx"

MessageReferenceObjectIdentification of a previous POI transaction. Present if it contains any data.
ServiceIDUUIDThe ServiceID of the transaction to retrieve the status of. If not included the last payment status is returned.
SaleIDString(1,128)The SaleID of the transaction to retrieve the status of. Only required if different from the SaleID provided in the MessageHeader
POIIDString(1,128)The POIID of the transaction to retrieve the status of. Only required if different from the POIID provided in the MessageHeader

Transaction status response

Transaction status response

"TransactionStatusResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"MessageReference": {
"MessageCategory": "xxx",
"ServiceID": "xxx",
"SaleID": "xxx",
"POIID": "xxx"
"RepeatedMessageResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {},
"RepeatedResponseMessageBody": {
"PaymentResponse": {},
"ReversalResponse": {}

ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the payment
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
MessageReferenceObjectIdentification of a previous POI transaction. Present if Result is "Success", or Result is "Failure" and ErrorCondition is "InProgress"
MessageCategoryEnumMirrored from request
ServiceIDUUIDMirrored from request, or ServiceID of last transaction if not present in request.
SaleIDString(1,128)Mirrored from request, but only if present in the request
POIIDString(1,128)Mirrored from request, but only if present in the request
RepeatedMessageResponseObjectPresent if Result is "Success"
MessageHeaderObjectMessageHeader of the requested payment
PaymentResponseObjectPaymentResponse of the requested payment

Abort transaction

The Sale System can send an abort transaction message to request cancellation of the in-progress transaction.


Cancel transaction is a "request to cancel". Cancellation of the transaction is not guaranteed. There are a number of instances where cancellation is not possible (for example, when the payment has already completed).

After sending a cancel transaction request, the Sale System should always wait for the payment/card acquisition response and validate the success of the sale by checking the Result property.

Abort transaction request

Abort transaction request

"AbortRequest": {
"MessageReference": {
"MessageCategory": "xxx",
"ServiceID": "xxxx",
"SaleID": "xxx",
"POIID": "xxx"
"AbortReason": "xxx"

MessageReferenceObjectIdentification of a POI transaction
MessageCategoryEnum"Payment" or "CardAcquisition"
ServiceIDUUIDThe ServiceID of the transaction to cancel
SaleIDString(1,128)The SaleID of the transaction to cancel. Only required if different from the SaleID provided in the MessageHeader
POIIDString(1,128)The POIID of the transaction to cancel. Only required if different from the POIID provided in the MessageHeader
AbortReasonString(1,256)Any text describing the reason for cancelling the transaction. For example, "User Cancel"

Abort transaction response

Once an abort transaction request has been sent, please continue to wait for the payment response.

If the transaction is successfully aborted, a payment response is returned with Result = "Failure" and ErrorCondition = "Aborted".

If the transaction cannot be aborted, a normal payment response (Result = "Success") is sent back in time.

However, if the abort transaction request message contains an invalid data (e.g. message format error) or if the referenced transaction cannot be not found (e.g. due to an incorrect ServiceID value), an Event Notification will be returned.

Abort transaction response

"EventNotification": {
"TimeStamp": "xxx",
"EventToNotify": "xxx",
"EventDetails": "xxx"

TimeStampISO8601Time of the event on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601
EventToNotifyEnum"Reject" if the abort request cannot be accepted (e.g. message format error, ServiceId not found). "CompletedMessage" if payment has already completed.
EventDetailsString(1,1024)Extra detail on the reason for the event


Reconciliation request

Reconciliation request

"ReconciliationRequest": {
"ReconciliationType": "xxx",
"POIReconciliationID": "xxx"

ReconciliationTypeEnum"SaleReconciliation" to close the current period, "PreviousReconciliation" to request the result of a previous reconciliation
POIReconciliationIDString(1,128)Present if ReconciliationType is "PreviousReconciliation". See POIReconciliationID

Reconciliation response

Reconciliation response

"ReconciliationResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"ReconciliationType": "xxx",
"POIReconciliationID": "xxx",
"TransactionTotals": [
"PaymentInstrumentType": "xxx",
"CardBrand": "xxx",
"OperatorID": "xxx",
"ShiftNumber": "xxx",
"TotalsGroupID": "xxx",
"PaymentCurrency": "AUD",
"PaymentTotals": [
"TransactionType": "xxx",
"TransactionCount": "xxx",
"TransactionAmount": "0.00",
"TipAmount": "0.00",
"SurchargeAmount": "0.00"

ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the login
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
ReconciliationTypeEnumMirrored from request
POIReconciliationIDString(1,128)Present if Result is "Success". The ReconciliationID of the period requested
TransactionTotalsArray(Object)Present if Result is "Success". An array of totals grouped by card brand, then operator, then shift, then TotalsGroupID, then payment currency.
PaymentInstrumentTypeEnum"Card" (card payment) or "Mobile" (phone/QR code payments)
CardBrandString(1,128)A card brand used during this reconciliation period
OperatorIDString(1,128)An operator id used during this reconciliation period
ShiftNumberString(1,128)A shift number used during the reconciliation period
TotalsGroupIDString(1,128)A custom grouping of transactions as defined by the Sale System
PaymentCurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".
PaymentTotalsArrayAn array [0..10] of totals grouped by transaction payment type. Present if both TransactionCount and TransactionAmount are not equal to zero
  TransactionTypeStringTransaction type for this payment. See TransactionType
  TransactionCountStringThe number of transactions for the transaction type for the current grouping of transactions
  TransactionAmountNumberThe total amount of transactions for the transaction type for the current grouping of transactions

Card acquisition

The card acquisition request allows the Sale System to tokenise a card which can be used in future payment requests.

Card acquisition request

Card acquisition request

"CardAcquisitionRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"OperatorID": "xxx",
"OperatorLanguage": "en",
"ShiftNumber": "xxx",
"CustomerLanguage": "en",
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"SaleTerminalData": {
"TerminalEnvironment": "xxx",
"SaleCapabilities": [
"TokenRequestedType": "Customer"
"CardAcquisitionTransaction": {
"AllowedPaymentBrand": [
"ForceEntryMode": "xxx"

SaleDataObjectObject Sale System information attached to this payment
OperatorIDString(1,128)Only required if different from Login Request
OperatorLanguageString(2,8)Set to "en"
ShiftNumberString(1,128)Only required if different from Login Request
CustomerLanguageString(2,8)Set to "en" for English
  TransactionIDString(1,128)Unique reference for this sale ticket
  TimeStampISO8601Time of initiating the request on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"
SaleTerminalDataObjectDefine Sale System configuration. Only include if elements within have different values to those in Login Request
  TerminalEnvironmentEnum"Attended", "SemiAttended", or "Unattended"
  SaleCapabilitiesArray(Enum)Advises the POI System of the Sale System capabilities. See SaleCapabilities
CardAcquisitionTransactionObjectPresent if any of the JSON elements within are present
  AllowedPaymentBrandArray(String)Restricts the request to specified card brands. See AllowedPaymentBrand
  ForceEntryModeEnumIf present, restricts card presentment to the specified type. See ForceEntryMode

Card acquisition response

Card acquisition response

"CardAcquisitionResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "xxx",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "xxx",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "xxx",
"PaymentBrand": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandID": "xxx",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "xxx",
"Account": "xxx",
"MaskedPAN": "xxxxxx…xxxx",
"PaymentToken": {
"TokenRequestedType": "xxx",
"TokenValue": "xxx",
"ExpiryDateTime": "xxx"
"PaymentToken": {
"TokenRequestedType": "xxx",
"TokenValue": "xxx",
"ExpiryDateTime": "xxx"

ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the login
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
  TransactionIDString(1,128)Mirrored from the request
  TimeStampISO8601Mirrored from the request
SaleReferenceIDString(1,128)Mirrored from the request
  TransactionIDString(1,128)A unique transaction id from the POI system
  TimeStampISO8601Time on the POI system, formatted as ISO8601
PaymentInstrumentDataObjectObject with represents card details for token or manually enter card details.
PaymentInstrumentTypeEnumDefaults to "Card". Indicates the card source for the payment. See PaymentInstrumentType
EntryModeEnumOnly present if PaymentInstrumentType is "Card". "File" if a Payment Token is used, and "Keyed" for a Card Not Present transaction.
MaskedPANString(1,64)PAN masked with dots, first 6 and last 4 digits visible
PaymentTokenObjectOnly present if EntryMode is "File". Object with identifies the payment token.
  TokenRequestedTypeString"Transaction" or "Customer". Must match the type of token recorded in the POI System.
  TokenValueString(1,128)Token previously returned from the POI System in the payment, or card acquisition response

Stored value

The stored value request/response is used for managed stored value cards.

Stored value request

Stored value request

"StoredValueRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"OperatorID": "xxx",
"OperatorLanguage": "en",
"ShiftNumber": "xxx",
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"SaleReferenceID": "xxx",
"SaleTerminalData": {
"TerminalEnvironment": "xxx",
"SaleCapabilities": [
"TotalsGroupID": "xxx"
"TokenRequestedType": "Customer | Transaction"
"StoredValueData": [
"StoredValueProvider": "",
"StoredValueTransactionType":"Reserve | Activate | Load | Unload | Reverse | Duplicate",
"StoredValueAccountID": {
"StoredValueAccountType": "GiftCard | PhoneCard | Other",
"StoredValueProvider": "",
"OwnerName": "",
"ExpiryDate": "MMYY",
"EntryMode": "",
"IdentificationType": "",
"StoredValueID": ""
"OriginalPOITransaction": {
"SaleID": "xxx",
"POIID": "xxx",
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"ReuseCardDataFlag": true,
"ApprovalCode": "xxx",
"LastTransactionFlag": true
"ProductCode": "xxx",
"EanUpc": "xxx",
"ItemAmount": "xx.x",
"TotalFeesAmount": "xx.x",
"Currency": "",


SaleDataObjectSale System information attached to this payment
OperatorIDString(1,128)Only required if different from Login Request
OperatorLanguageString(2,8)Set to "en"
ShiftNumberString(1,128)Only required if different from Login Request
SaleReferenceIDString(1,128)Mandatory for pre-authorisation and completion, otherwise optional. See SaleReferenceID
TokenRequestedTypeEnumIf present, indicates which type of token should be created for this payment. See TokenRequestedType
  TransactionIDString(1,128)Unique reference for this sale ticket. Not necessarily unique per payment request; for example a sale with split payments will have a number of payments with the same TransactionID
  TimeStampISO8601Time of initiating the payment request on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"
SaleTerminalDataObjectDefine Sale System configuration. Only include if elements within have different values to those in Login Request
  TerminalEnvironmentEnum"Attended", "SemiAttended", or "Unattended"
  SaleCapabilitiesArray(Enum)Advises the POI System of the Sale System capabilities. See SaleCapabilities
  TotalsGroupIdString(1,256)Groups transactions in a login session
StoredValueDataArray(Object)Data related to the stored value card.
StoredValueProviderString(1,256)Identification of the provider of the stored value account.
StoredValueTransactionTypeEnumIdentification of operation to proceed on the stored value account or the stored value card
StoredValueAccountIDObjectPresent if the card presented was a gift card / stored value card
  StoredValueAccountTypeEnumType of stored value account. GiftCard
  StoredValueProviderString(1,256)Identification of the provider of the stored value account.
  OwnerNameString(1,256)If available, the name of the owner of a stored value account.
  ExpiryDateString(4,4)If present, the date after which the card cannot be used. Format is MMYY.
  EntryModeEnumIndicates how the payment type was presented.
  IdentificationTypeEnumType of account identification contained in StoredValueID. Values are PAN
  StoredValueIDString(128)Stored value account identification
OriginalPOITransactionObjectIdentifies a previous POI transaction. Mandatory for Refund and Completion. See OriginalPOITransaction
  SaleIDString(1,128)SaleID which performed the original transaction
  POIIDString(1,128)POIID which performed the original transaction
   TransactionIDString(1,128)TransactionID from the original transaction
   TimeStampISO8601TimeStamp from the original transaction
  ProductCodeString(1,128)A unique identifier for the product within the merchant, such as the SKU. For example if two customers purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode.
  EanUpcString(1,128)A standard unique identifier for the product. Either the UPC, EAN, or ISBN. Required for products with a UPC, EAN, or ISBN
  ItemAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Indicates the amount to be loaded onto the account. Exclusive of fees.
  TotalFeesAmountDecimalTotal of fees associated with the transaction
  CurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".

Stored value response

Stored value response

"StoredValueResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success | Failure",
"ErrorCondition": "xxx",
"AdditionalResponse": "xxx"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "xxx",
"TimeStamp": "xxx"
"POIReconciliationID": "xxx"
"StoredValueResult": [
"StoredValueTransactionType":"Reserve | Activate | Load | Unload | Reverse | Duplicate",
"ProductCode": "xxx",
"EanUpc": "xxx",
"ItemAmount": "xx.x",
"TotalFeesAmount": "xx.x",
"Currency": "",
"StoredValueAccountStatus": {
"StoredValueAccountID": {
"StoredValueAccountType": "GiftCard | PhoneCard | Other",
"StoredValueProvider": "",
"OwnerName": "",
"ExpiryDate": "MMYY",
"EntryMode": "",
"IdentificationType": "",
"StoredValueID": ""
"CurrentBalance": 0.00,
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "xxx",
"RequiredSignatureFlag": true,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"OutputXHTML": "xxx"

ResponseObjectObject indicating the result of the login
ResultEnumIndicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure"
ErrorConditionString(0,256)Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values.
AdditionalResponseString(0,1024)Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values.
SaleDataObjectSale System information attached to this payment
  TransactionIDString(1,128)Unique reference for this sale ticket. Not necessarily unique per payment request; for example a sale with split payments will have a number of payments with the same TransactionID
  TimeStampISO8601Time of initiating the payment request on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"
  TransactionIDString(1,128)A unique transaction id from the POI system
  TimeStampISO8601Time on the POI system, formatted as ISO8601
POIReconciliationIDString(1,128)Present if Result is "Success" or "Partial". See POIReconciliationID
StoredValueResultArray(Object)If StoredValueResponse.Result is “Success” or "Partial", one entry per StoredValueRequest.StoredValueData loaded or activated.
ProductCodeString(1,128)A unique identifier for the product within the merchant, such as the SKU. For example if two customers purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode.
EanUpcString(1,128)A standard unique identifier for the product. Either the UPC, EAN, or ISBN. Required for products with a UPC, EAN, or ISBN
ItemAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Total amount of the sale item
TotalFeesAmountDecimalTotal of financial fees associated with the payment transaction if known at time of transaction
CurrencyString(3,3)Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code. Set to "AUD".
StoredValueAccountTypeEnumType of stored value account. GiftCard
StoredValueAccountStatusObjectPresent if Result = "Success"
  StoredValueAccountIDObjectPresent if the card presented was a gift card / stored value card
   StoredValueAccountTypeEnumType of stored value account. GiftCard
   StoredValueProviderString(1,256)Identification of the provider of the stored value account.
   OwnerNameString(1,256)If available, the name of the owner of a stored value account.
   EntryModeEnumIndicates how the payment type was presented.
   IdentificationTypeEnumType of account identification contained in StoredValueID. Values are PAN
   StoredValueIDString(128)Stored value account identification
  CurrentBalanceCurrency(0,999999.99)If relevant and known
PaymentReceiptArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
DocumentQualifierEnum"CashierReceipt" for a merchant receipt, otherwise "SaleReceipt"
RequiredSignatureFlagBooleanIf true, the card holder signature is required on the merchant CashierReceipt.
OutputContentArray(Object)Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed
  OutputXHTMLString(0,4096)The payment receipt in XHTML format but coded in BASE64



Indicates a card account. Note that the list of available account names may change over time.

  • Credit
  • Cheque
  • Savings
  • Default


Additional information related to the product item


Provides extended response detail in the event of an error which may be used for analysis or diagnostics.


Error conditions may be added over time. To ensure forwards compatibility any error handling in the Sale System should allow for a "catch all" which handles currently undefined error conditions.

The possible AdditionalResponse values are based on the value of ErrorCondition

When ErrorCondition is "MessageFormat"

  • "Mandatory Data Element or Structure Absent: {{Absolute Data Name}}"
  • "Unexpected Data Element Value: {{Absolute Data Name}} - {{Expected Value(s) or Reason}}"
  • "{{Absolute Data Name}} Invalid Value {{Value}} for the Type {{Type}} [and Format {{Format}}]"
  • "{{Absolute Data Name}} Value is not part of the Enumerated or Cluster Type {{Type}}"
  • "Repeated Message: {{ID Name}} - {{Value}}"
  • "Empty Cluster: {{Absolute Data Name}}"
  • "Unacceptable Value Combination: [ {{Absolute Data Name}} : {{Value}} ]*"

When ErrorCondition is "DeviceOut"

  • "POI is Temporary Unavailable: {{Reason}}"
  • "POI is Permanently Unavailable: {{Reason}}"
  • "Security Alarm: {{Alarm}}"
    • Alarm = The type of alarm. e.g. "crypto key unknown"

When ErrorCondition is "LoggedOut"

  • "{{SaleID}} Never Login Since Last {{Event}} at {{Time}}"

When ErrorCondition is "Busy"

  • "POI {{Component}} Temporary Unavailable: {{Reason}}"

    • Component = "System" or "Terminal"
    • Reason = "Installation in progress", "Maintenance in progress", "Device busy"
  • "POI Terminal Busy to Process another Request: {{Request}}"

    • Request = 'PaymentRequest', 'LoginRequest'

When ErrorCondition is "UnavailableService"

  • "Sale Protocol Version {{Version}} Too Old. Version Implemented: {{Version}}"

When ErrorCondition is "Cancel"

  • "User Cancellation during {{Status}}"
  • "System Cancellation during {{Status}}"

When ErrorCondition is "Abort"

  • "Service Aborted during {{Status}} - Reason: {{AbortReason}} - from: {{SaleID}} - MessageID: {{ServiceID}}"

When ErrorCondition is "InvalidCard"

  • "No Card Entered after {{Time}} Seconds".
  • "Invalid Card {{Reason}}"
    • Reason = "Card Expired", "Card not allowed", "Suspicion of fraud", etc.
  • "Unknown Card {{BIN:val or AID:val}}

When ErrorCondition is "WrongPIN"

  • "Wrong PIN {{RetryNumber}} Retries - Remaining {{RemainingRetries}}
    • Retries and RemainingRetries only if available.

When ErrorCondition is "UnreachableHost"

  • "Host Unreachable: {{Reason}}"
  • "No Host Answer: {{Reason}}"

When ErrorCondition is "Refusal"

  • "Payment Refused by Acquirer: {{Acquirer}} Reason: {{Reason}} Code: {{Code}}"
  • "Payment Refused Locally - Reason: {{Reason}}"

When ErrorCondition is "PaymentRestriction"

  • "Restricted items"


Defines the key algorithm.

Set to "des-ede3-cbc"

The data encryption session key = EncryptedKey is 3DES CBC encrypted by an agreed KEK 3DES key which should be unique per Sale Terminal or Sale System (To be agreed).


Array of string.

Restricts a payment request to the specified payment brands.

This can be used by the Sale System to implement business rules for restricted payment types per transaction. e.g. preventing the purchase of a gift card with another gift card, or preventing the use of loyalty cards when discounts have been provided.

  • The default behaviour by the POI Terminal is to accept all payment brands when AllowedPaymentBrand is null or empty.
  • Specify which payment brands to allow, add the supported PaymentBrandId
  • Specify which payment brand categories to allow, prefix Category: to a supported PaymentBrandId category
  • Specify which payment brands to restrict, prefix a ! to the restricted PaymentBrandId
  • Specify which payment brand categories to restrict, prefix a !Category: to the restricted PaymentBrandId category

The Sale System should take care when mixing allowed and restricted payment brands and categories

Example - allow all payment brands except fuel cards, gift cards, and Flybuys

"PaymentRequest": {
"PaymentTransaction": {
"TransactionConditions": {
"AllowedPaymentBrand": [ "!Category:Fuel", "!Category:GiftCard", "!0402" ]


The name of the Sale System application.

DataMesh will provide a ApplicationName to be used for the UAT environment. Once the Sale System is certified, DataMesh will provide a ApplicationName to be included in the production build of the Sale System.


A value which indicates the total authorized amount, inclusive of all fees and charges.


Available values:

  • "VISA"
  • "MasterCard",
  • "American Express"
  • "Diners Club"
  • "JCB"
  • "UnionPay"
  • "CUP Debit"
  • "Discover"
  • "PayPal"
  • "Card"


The amount of cash to be handed back to the customer from their account.


Categories is a string array which represents the categories of a SaleItem

The main category is at the zero element.

For example:

SaleItem with a single category{ "categories": [ "Shirts" ] }
SaleItem with a main and sub category{ "categories": [ "Food", "Mains" ] }
SaleItem with multiple categories{ "categories": [ "Computers", "Accessories", "Keyboards" ] }


Certification code for this Sale System.

DataMesh will provide a CertificationCode to be used for the UAT environment. Once the Sale System is certified, DataMesh will provide a CertificationCode to be included in the production build of the Sale System.


Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code.

Set to "AUD" for Australian currency.


Three character (ISO 4217 formatted) currency code.


Balance of an account.


"PaymentRequest": {
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "TransitData",
"Type": "object",
"Value": "{\"TransitData\":{\"DriverID\":123,\"OperatorID\":456,\"ContractID\":\"0f9653cc-a68b-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\",\"VehicleID\":789,\"RouteVariant\":\"X\",\"TransactionLocation\":{\"Lattitude\":33.8688,\"Longitude\":151.2093},\"Trip\":{\"Boarding\":{\"StopID\":\"\",\"StopName\":\"\",\"ZoneID\":\"\"},\"Destination\":{\"StopID\":\"\",\"StopName\":\"\",\"ZoneID\":\"\"}},\"Ticket\":[{\"Type\":\"Adult\",\"Price\":1.1,\"ID\":\"9fe0e990-a68d-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\"}]}}"

"SaleItem": [
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCode",
"Type": "integer",
"Value": "21"
"Key": "SomethingElse",
"Type": "string",
"Value": "Blah blah"
"Key": "AnArray",
"Type": "array",
"Value": "[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"]"
"Key": "AnObject",
"Type": "object",
"Value": "{\"FuelProductCodes\": [21,22]}"

Array of key/type/value objects containing additional information.

CustomFields are defined under the PaymentRequest (for additional Payment information) or SaleItem (for additional Sale Item information).

Field NameTypeDescription
KeyString(1,128)Defines a unique name for the Value.

For Fuel, please refer to the Fuel EFT Codes.
TypeEnumThe content of Value represented as a string. Available values:
  • "integer": Value an integral number (represented as a string)
  • "number": Value contains any numeric type. Either integer or floating point. (represented as a string)
  • "string": Value contains a string of characters
  • "array": Value contains a json array of string
  • "object": Value contains a json object
ValueString(0,1024)The value represented as a string


Current Sale System time, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. This will be included in receipts. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"


Currency amount. For a SaleItem which has been discounted, reflects the discounted amount of the item.


String. For a SaleItem which has been discounted, reflects the reason the item was discounted


a standard unique identifier for the product. Either the UPC, EAN, or ISBN. Required for products with a UPC, EAN, or ISBN


Encryption of content = "SensitiveCardData":{…} in canonical form (i.e. without white space).

Prior to encryption, pad the content with 80h then as many 00h bytes so that the result is a multiple of 8 bytes.

Encrypt the result.

Present as a string in hex.


A double length 3DES key (i.e. 16 bytes) that is a unique Data Encryption Key which must be changed every time new sensitive data is sent and is encrypted by the KEK using the Algorithm.

The key value is represented in hex (32 hex digits). For example: "F8131F320E499A1474A15B14F42F3E06".


Indicates how a card was presented.

Possible values:

"File"Mirrored from the payment request if a PaymentToken was used
"Keyed"Mirrored from the request if a card not present transaction
"Manual"PAN was manually keyed on the POI terminal
"Scanned"QR code was scanned by the POI terminal
"MagStripe"Card was swiped
"ICC"Card was inserted into the chip reader
"Tapped"Card was read with contactless reader
"Mobile"If a mobile phone was used to finalise the payment, for example, a mobile phone scanning a QR code


Providers extra detail in the event of an error which enables refinement of error processing by the sale software.

Error conditions may be added over time. To ensure forwards compatibility any error handling in the Sale System should allow for a "catch all" which handles currently undefined error conditions.

Possible values:

"Aborted"The Initiator of the request has sent an Abort message request, which was accepted and processed.
"Busy"The system is busy, try later
"Cancel"The user has aborted the transaction on the PED keyboard, for instance during PIN entering.
"DeviceOut"Device out of order
"InsertedCard"If the Input Device request a NotifyCardInputFlag and the card holder enters a card in the card reader without answers to the Input command, the POI abort the Input command processing, and answer a dedicated ErrorCondition value in the Input response message.
"InProgress"The transaction is still in progress and then the command cannot be processed
"LoggedOut"Not logged in
"MessageFormat"Error on the format of the message, AdditionalResponse shall contain the identification of the data, and the reason in clear text.
"NotAllowed"A service request is sent during a Service dialogue. A combination of services not possible to provide. During the CardReaderInit message processing, the user has entered a card which has to be protected by the POI, and cannot be processed with this device request from the external, and then the Sale System.
"NotFound"The transaction is not found (e.g. for a reversal or a repeat)
"PaymentRestriction"Some sale items are not payable by the card proposed by the card holder.
"Refusal"The transaction is refused by the host or the rules associated to the card, and cannot be repeated.
"UnavailableDevice"The hardware is not available (absent, not configured...)
"UnavailableService"The service is not available (not implemented, not configured, protocol version too old...)
"InvalidCard"The card entered by the card holder cannot be processed by the POI because this card is not configured in the system
"UnreachableHost"Acquirer or any host is unreachable or has not answered to an online request, so is considered as temporary unavailable. Depending on the Sale context, the request could be repeated (to be compared with "Refusal").
"WrongPIN"The user has entered the PIN on the PED keyboard and the verification fails


  • Reject - the request cannot be accepted. For example, message format error, mandatory fields missing, or payment/reversal transaction not found.
  • CompletedMessage - if the Payment/Reversal has already been completed.


When EventToNotify is "Reject"

  • "Message not Found, last {{MessageCategory}} has ID {{ServiceID}}"
  • "Mandatory Data Element or Structure Absent: {{Absolute Data Name}}"
  • "General Parsing Error: {{Absolute Data Name}}"
  • "Unexpected Data Element or Structure: {{Absolute Data Element}}"
  • "Unexpected Data Element Value: {{Absolute Data Element}} - {{Expected value(s) or reason}}"
  • "Repeated Message: ServiceID - {{Value}}"

When EventToNotify is "CompletedMessage"

  • "Service Not Aborted - Reason: Completed – from: {{SaleID}} - MessageID: {{ServiceID}}"


If present, the date after which the card cannot be used.

Format is MMYY.


Used to restrict card presentment to the specified type

Keyed - A Card Not Present transaction. Manual - to enter manually into the POI terminal. Scanned - for QR Code scanned by the POI terminal. MagStripe - for card swipes. ICC - for card insertions. Tapped - if card taps. Mobile - if a mobile phone is used to finalise the payment. For example, a mobile phone scanning a QR Code.



If 'true' the transaction will only be processed in online mode, and will fail if there is no response from the Acquirer.


Type of account identification

In a request message, it informs the POI System the type of the account or card identification, when provided by the Sale Terminal. (e.g. because the card information are a bar-code read by the Cashier on a scanner device). In a response message, it informs the Sale System the type of the account or card identification.

PANStandard card identification (card number)
ISOTrack2ISO Track 2 including identification.
BarCodeBar-code with a specific form of identification
AccountNumberAccount number
PhoneNumberA phone number identifies the account on which the phone card is assigned.


Qualification of the information to sent to an output logical device, to display or print to the Cashier.

StatusThe information is a new state on which the message sender is entering. For instance, during a payment, the POI could display to the Cashier that POI request an authorisation to the host acquirer.
ErrorThe information is related to an error situation occurring on the message sender.
DisplayStandard display interface.
InputMerchant input is required.
POIReplicationInformation displayed on the Cardholder POI interface, replicated on the Cashier interface.
CustomerAssistanceIf card holder input is required but the merchant may assist by providing the input data via the CashierInput device.

For all input types, the card holder input may also be provided on the POI terminal.


Defines the input type required by the cashier.

GetAnyKeyWait for any key press. For example, to get confirmation from the cashier that a display has been read.
GetConfirmationYes/No answer as in the case when prompting for "Signature OK?". The result of this command is boolean true/false.
PasswordA merchant password as in the case during a refund transaction.
GetMenuEntryA selection from a list of options. For example, assisting the card holder by selecting the account type: Savings, Cheque or Credit.
TextStringA text string.
DigitStringA string of digits.
DecimalStringA string of digits with a decimal point.


Total amount of the item


A unique identifier for the sale item within the context of this purchase. e.g. a 0..n integer which increments by one for each sale item.


Indicates the key type. Available values:

  • "SpecV2TestDATKey" for test environment
  • "SpecV2ProdDATKey" for production environment


Contains either a counter or the creation date/time of the key formatted as "YYYYMMDDHHmmss.mmm" where:

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the 2-digit month.
  • DD is the 2-digit day.
  • HH is the 2-digit hour from 00 to 23.
  • mm is the 2-digit minute.
  • ss is the 2-digit second.
  • mmm is the 3-digit millisecond.

Any new value must be > any previous value sent


The last 8 bytes in hex (i.e. 16 hex digits) from:

  1. Concatenating the preceding data in canonical form (i.e. without white spaces and line feeds in key:value form: "MessageHeader":{...},"LoginRequest":{...})
  2. Hashing the result using SHA256. The result of the SHA256 hash is 32 bytes.
  3. Append 80h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h 00h to the hash. The result has 40 bytes.
  4. 3DES CBC encrypt the result by the session Message Authentication Key.


Optional. If not present, it default to true.

  • If set to true, it indicates that the POI Terminal may go into maintenance mode. For example, the POI Terminal can be upgraded.
  • This does not restrict the POI Terminal but is treated as an advise. The POI Terminal may present a warning for example if set to false.


First six digits of the PAN followed by dots followed by the last 4 digits of the PAN.

The total length of the string = PAN Length.


If present, overrides the MCC used for processing the transaction if allowed. Refer to ISO 18245 for available codes.


Informs the receiver of the class of message. Available values:

  • Service - A transaction message pair initiated by the Sale System, and requested to the POI System
  • Device - A device message pair
  • Event - An unsolicited event notification by the POI System to the Sale System.


Category of message. Available values:

AbortAbort message request
AdminAdmin request or response
BalanceInquiryBalance Inquiry request or response
CardAcquisitionCard Acquisition request or response
DisplayDisplay message request or response
EventEvent Notification message
InputInput message request or response
LoginLogin message request or response
LogoutLogout message request or response
PaymentPayment message request or response
PrintPrint message request or response
ReconciliationReconciliation message request or response
TransactionStatusTransactionStatus message request or response


Type of message of the Sale to POI protocol. Available values:

  • Request
  • Response
  • Notification


An optional value sent in the Login Request for information only. Used to identify the cashier using the Sale Terminal during the session.

If present, totals in the ReconciliationResponse will be grouped by this value. If not present, payment transactions that do not specify a OperatorId will not be grouped under a OperatorId.

Note that different cashiers may still transact during the same login session by setting an OperatorId per payment.


An object which identifies a previous POI transaction.

For a purchase, it instructs the POI System to use the payment card details from the original transaction if available. Note that the RequestedAmount must be less than or equal to the original transaction RequestedAmount.

For a refund or completion, indicates which original transaction this should be matched to. A refund or completion may occur on a different Sale System and POI Terminal to the original transaction.


Receipt format output. Always "XHTML"


The payment receipt in XHTML format, coded in BASE64.


If available, the name of the owner of a stored value account.


The ID of the acquirer which processed the transaction



Identifies the payment brand used for a payment. Please note that this list may expand in the future as new payment types are added.


PaymentBrand is included for legacy support. The Sale System should use PaymentBrandId to identify the payment brand.

CategoryPayment BrandDescription
MasterCardMasterCard Credit or Debit
VISAVISA Credit or Debit
American ExpressAmerican Express
Diners ClubDiners Club
UnionPayUnion Pay Credit
CUP DebitUnion Pay Debit
BPGiftCardBP Gift Card
BP Fuel CardBP Card
Fleet CardFleet Card
Shell CardShell Card
AmpolCardAmpol card
Freedom Fuel CardFreedom fuel card
Trinity Fuel CardTrinity fuel card
Liberty CardLiberty Card
Caltex StarCardCaltex StarCard
United Fuel CardUnited Fuel Card
Digital ProductDigital Product
WeChat PayWeChat Pay
Qantas PointsQantas Points
UnknownUnknown payment brand


Identifies the payment brand used for a payment.


Please note that this list may expand in the future as new payment types are added.

0002MasterCard Debit
0003MasterCard Credit
0004VISA Debit
0005VISA Credit
0008Diners Club
0009Union Pay Credit
0010Union Pay Debit
0011Cabcharge Gift Card
0013Amex International
0014Diners International
0015JCB International
0016MasterCard International
0017VISA International
0018Union Pay International
0019Discover International
0100BP Card
0101BP Gift Card
0102Fleet Card
0103Shell Card
0112OTR Card
0202Digital Product
0206NT TSS
0302WeChat Pay
0400Qantas Points
0501Payment on other terminal
0700Coles Group & Myer Gift Card
0701Coles Express Gift Card
0702Shell Gift Card


Descriptive name of the payment brand used.


This field is for display only. Use PaymentBrandId to identify the payment brand.


Three digit currency code as defined by ISO 4217


Restricts card processing to the specified acquirers only. If not present, all acquirers are supported.

Array of string.



Indicates the type of payment to process. If not present in the payment request the value will default to "Normal".

Fusion App and Cloud API - PaymentType available values:

  • "Normal" a purchase transaction or purchase with cash-out transaction
  • "Refund" a refund transaction
  • "CashAdvance" a cash-out only transaction

Satellite API - PaymentType available values:

  • "Normal" a purchase transaction or purchase with cash-out transaction
  • "Refund" a refund
  • "CashAdvance" a cash-out only transaction
  • "FirstReservation" a pre-authorisation transaction
  • "Completion" a completion transaction


Uniquely identifies the POI Terminal. This value is provided by DataMesh.

For Sale Systems that do not need a POI Terminal, the value must be "POI Server"


Identification of the reconciliation period between Sale and POI, to provide the transaction totals during this period.

Allows counting of transactions by both parties in the Sale to POI reconciliation.

Returned in a payment response if result "Success" or "Partial".

In the Reconciliation request, when ReconciliationType is "PreviousReconciliation", this field allows to request the reconciliation result of a previous period of transaction.


This last POISerialNumber returned in an earlier login response. If this is the first login from the Sale System, this field is absent.


Unique identification of a POI transaction for a POIID.

Contains the following fields:

TransactionIDString(1,128)A unique transaction id from the POI system
TimeStampISO8601Time on the POI system, formatted as ISO8601


a unique identifier for the product within the merchant. For example if two card holders purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode.


Version of the Sale to POI protocol specifications. Set to "3.1-dmg" for the API outlined in this specification.

"3.1"Nexo 3.1 compliant
"3.1-dmg"Nexo 3.1 with additional fields added by DataMesh which are outside the Nexo standard (e.g. surcharge)


The name of the company supplying the Sale System.

DataMesh will provide a ProviderIdentification to be used for the UAT environment. Once the Sale System is certified, DataMesh will provide a ProviderIdentification to be included in the production build of the Sale System.


PaymentInstrumentData object


Object with represents card details for token or manually enter card details.


PaymentInstrumentTypeStringDefaults to "Card". Indicates the card source for the payment. See PaymentInstrumentType
EntryModeStringOnly present if PaymentInstrumentType is "Card". "File" if a Payment Token is used, and "Keyed" for a Card Not Present transaction.
ProtectedCardDataObjectOnly present if EntryMode is "Keyed"
  ContentTypeStringSet to "id-envelopedData"
   VersionStringSet to "v0"
      VersionStringSet to "v4"
       KeyIdentifierString"SpecV2TestDATKey" for test environment, and "SpecV2ProdDATKey" for production
       KeyVersionStringAn incrementing value. Either a counter or date formatted as YYYYMMDDHHmmss.mmm. See KeyVersion
       AlgorithmStringSet to "des-ede3-cbc".
      EncryptedKeyStringA double length 3DES key. See EncryptedKey
     ContentTypeStringSet to "id-data"
      AlgorithmStringSet to "des-ede3-cbc"
      InitialisationVectorStringAn Initial Vector to use for the des-ede3-cbc encryption of the content = SensitiveCardData
     EncryptedDataStringEncrypted data. See EncryptedData
PaymentTokenObjectOnly present if EntryMode is "File". Object with identifies the payment token.
  TokenRequestedTypeEnum"Transaction" or "Customer". Must match the type of token recorded in the POI System.
  TokenValueString(1,128)Token previously returned from the POI System in the payment, or card acquisition response

Never send the SensitiveCardData Object in the clear. This represents the content to be encrypted and sent within the ProtectedCardData element


PANStringThe full credit card number
ExpiryDateStringThe expiry date in "MMYY" format
CCVStringThe 3 or 4 digit security code associated with the card


Indicates the card source for the payment. If not present in the payment defaults to "Card". Available values:

  • "Card" where the card source is defined by EntryMode and present in either SensitiveCardData or PaymentToken. If neither are present, then payment (card or mobile) is only accepted by the POI Terminal
  • "Check" where the transaction is simply recorded
  • "Cash" where the transaction is either recorded, or processed if the POI terminal has cash handling capabilities
  • "Mobile" to restrict payment to Mobile only. For example, QR Code payment


An object representing a payment token. Consists of three fields:

TokenRequestedTypeEnumMirrored from the request
TokenValueString(1,128)The value of the token
ExpiryDateTimeISO8601Expiry of the token, formatted as ISO8601


Product name of a SaleItem.

The ProductLabel should contain a short, human readable, descriptive name of the product.

For example, ProductLabel could contain the product name typically printed on the customer receipt.


Item unit quantity


Total amount requested for authorization - (including any cash back amount and tip amount).



True if the Sale System needs to respond to this DisplayRequest with a DisplayResponse.

False if the Sale System does not need to send a DisplayResponse.


Indicates the result of the response. Available values:

SuccessProcessing OK. Information related to the result of the processing is contained in other parts of the response message.
FailureProcessing of the request fails for various reasons. Some further processing according to the type of requested service, the context of the process, and some additional precision about the failure notified in the ErrorCondition data element.
PartialThe transaction has been processed successfully, but the success is not complete (e.g. only a partial amount is available for the payment, the format to be displayed is not supported and was replaced by a default format).


Reason for reversing a successful payment.

Available values:

  • "CustCancel"
  • "MerchantCancel"
  • "Malfunction"
  • "Unable2Compl",
  • "SignatureDeclined",
  • "Unknown"


Advises the POI System of the Sale System capabilities and willingness to receive/send event messages.

SaleCapabilities is an array of values containing a combination of the following:

  • CashierStatus: POI Terminal changes of state are reported back to the Sale System. e.g.
    • "Waiting for Card Presentment"
    • "PIN Entry"
    • "Waiting for Host Authorisation"
    • "Signature Validation"
  • CashierError: POI Terminal errors are reported back to the Sale System. e.g.
    • "Out of paper"
    • "Printer Error"
    • "Card Swipe Error"
  • CashierInput: Allows the cashier to provide input from the Sale System. e.g.
    • "Signature OK?"
  • CustomerAssistance: Allows the cashier to provide assistance to card holders by providing input at specific screens but card holders can still select on terminal. e.g.
    • "Account Selection (Cheque, Savings or Credit).
  • PrinterReceipt: Redirects receipts to the Sale System instead of the POI Terminal.


Uniquely identifies the Sale System. This value is provided by DataMesh.


The SaleItem array defines the basket attached to this transaction. Each item is an object which defines a group of similar products in the basket.

The sum of the sale items could be more than RequestedAmount in case of split payment without split of the items (split basket).


Please contact the DataMesh integrations team at to discuss how to map the Sale System basket to the SaleItem array.

SaleItem fields

Example sale item array

"ProductLabel":"Coca-Cola No Sugar 1.25L",
"Categories":["Drinks", "Soft Drink"],
"ProductLabel":"Doritos Corn Chips Cheese Supreme Share Pack 170g",
"Categories":["Snacks & Confectionery", "Chips"],
"ProductLabel":"Fuel Unleaded 91",
"Categories":["Fuel", "Unleaded"]
"ProductLabel":"Sirloin steak",
"Categories":["Food", "Mains"]
"ParentItemID": 3,
"ProductLabel":"Pepper sauce",
"Categories":["Food", "Mains"]
"ParentItemID": 3,
"ProductLabel":"Side of fries",
"Categories":["Food", "Sides"]
"ProductLabel":"NOLTE LS SHIRT",
"Categories":["Men", "Clothing", "Shirts"],
"ProductLabel":"JIMMY CHOO LUIS 90 PUMP",
"Brand":"JIMMY CHOO",
"Size":"38 EU",

SaleItemArray(Object)Array of SaleItem objects which represent the product basket attached to this transaction. See SaleItem for examples.
ItemIDInteger(0,9999)A unique identifier for the sale item within the context of this payment. e.g. a 0..n integer which increments by one for each sale item.
ProductCodeString(1,128)A unique identifier for the product within the merchant, such as the SKU. For example if two customers purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode.
EanUpcString(1,128)A standard unique identifier for the product. Either the UPC, EAN, or ISBN. Required for products with a UPC, EAN, or ISBN
UnitOfMeasureEnumUnit of measure of the Quantity. If this item has no unit of measure, set to "Other"
QuantityDecimal(0,999999,8)Sale item quantity based on UnitOfMeasure.
UnitPriceDecimal(0,999999,8)Price per sale item unit. Present if Quantity is included.
ItemAmountCurrency(0.01,999999.99)Total amount of the sale item
TaxCodeString(1,32)Type of tax associated with the sale item. Default = "GST"
SaleChannelString(1,128)Commercial or distribution channel of the sale item. Default = "Unknown"
ProductLabelString(1,256)a short, human readable, descriptive name of the product. For example, ProductLabel could contain the product name typically printed on the customer receipt.
AdditionalProductInfoStringAdditional information, or more detailed description of the product item.
ParentItemIDInteger(0,9999)Required if this item is a 'modifier' or sub-item. Contains the ItemID of the parent SaleItem
CostBase[Currency(0.01,999999.99)]Cost of the product to the merchant per unit
Discount[Currency(0.01,999999.99)]If applied, the amount this sale item was discounted by
CategoriesArray(String)Array of categories. Top level "main" category at categories[0]. See Categories for more information.
BrandString(1,256)Brand name - typically visible on the product packaging or label
QuantityInStockDecimalRemaining number of this item in stock in same unit of measure as Quantity
TagsArray(String)String array with descriptive tags for the product
RestrictedBooleantrue if this is a restricted item, false otherwise. Defaults to false when field is null.
PageURLString(1,512)URL link to the sale items product page
ImageURLsArray(String)String array of images URLs for this sale item
StyleString(1,256)Style of the sale item
SizeString(1,64)Size of the sale item
ColourString(1,64)Colour of the sale item
WeightDecimal(0,999999,8)Sale item weight, based on WeightUnitOfMeasure
WeightUnitOfMeasureEnumUnit of measure of the Weight.
CustomFieldsArrayArray of key/type/value objects containing additional information which may be used for sale processing
Sale items with a UPC/EAN/ISBN

Example SaleItem with UPC

"ProductLabel":"Coca-Cola No Sugar 1.25L"
  • Items which have a UPC/EAN/ISBN must include the UPC/EAN/ISBN in the EanUpc field.
  • Both ProductCode and EanUpc should be populated, even if they are the same value
  • Other standard mandatory fields in sale item are still mandatory.
Sale items with modifiers

Example SaleItem with modifiers

"ProductLabel":"Big Kahuna Burger"
"ParentItemID": 0,
"ProductLabel":"Extra pineapple"
"ParentItemID": 0,
"ProductLabel":"Side of fries"
"ProductLabel":"Tasty Beverage"

A sale system may represent sale items in the basket as a hierarchy of sale items and sub items, typically referred to as 'modifiers', or 'substitutions'.

Examples of products with modifiers:

  • a "Big Kahuna Burger" could contain "Extra pineapple" or "Side of fries" as modifiers.
  • a "Sirloin steak" could contain "Pepper sauce" or "Medium rare" as modifiers.
  • a "Cappuccino" could contain "Sugar" or "Large" as modifiers.

If the Sale System basket contains sale items and modifiers:

  • Include both sale items and modifiers as SaleItem objects in the SaleItem array.
  • For each modifier, set the ParentItemID field to the value of the parent sale item ItemID
  • Set the ItemAmount to the value of the modifier, or set to zero if no value
  • The total amount of an item will be the sum of ItemAmount in the sale item, and all associated modifiers
  • Modifiers may contain a unique ProductCode or share the same ProductCode as the parent sale item

Some sale Sale Systems do not record modifiers as individual items. For example, they are stored in a 'notes' or 'cooking instructions' field. In this case the additional notes should be included in the AdditionalProductInfo field.

Item bundles

A Sale System may sell items which are bundled together.

Examples of item "bundles":

  • a "lunch special", containing a main, a dessert, and a drink
  • a "Valentines day" bundle, containing flowers, and chocolates
  • a "mixed wine case", containing a selection of different wines
  • a "burger meal", containing burger, chips and a drink

The Sale System should populate the SaleItem array based on how the "bundle" is represented in the basket.

If the "bundle" is represented as a unique product with a title and a price, include the "bundle" product as a SaleItem. Contents of the bundle can then be included either as "modifiers" associated with the bundle, or as a text description in the AdditionalProductInfo field.

If the "bundle" is a shortcut in the Sale System which has no value associated and is simply used to add multiple products to the basket, include each product as a SaleItem.

Any SaleItem discounts associated with the "item bundle" should be included in the Discount field.

"Discount": "20.00",
"DiscountReason": "20% OFF SALE"
"ParentItemID": 0,
"ProductLabel":"$10 voucher",
"Discount": "10.00",
"DiscountReason": "$10 voucher"

Discounts applied to the basket should be reflected by the SaleItem array based on how the Sale System handles discounts:

  • For fuel item discounts:
    • Set UnitPrice to the discounted unit price
    • Update ItemAmount to reflect the discounted amount
    • Set Discount to reflect the discounted amount per item
    • Set DiscountReason to the reason the item was discounted
    • Ensure ItemAmount equals Quantity multiplied by UnitPrice
  • For non-fuel discounts applied across the basket or to an individual item:
    • Set UnitPrice to the original unit price
    • Update ItemAmount to reflect the discounted amount
    • Set Discount to reflect the discounted amount per item
    • Set DiscountReason to the reason the item was discounted
  • For a discount or voucher applied as a sale item:
    • Set UnitPrice to 0
    • Include a SaleItem with a negative ItemAmount
    • Set Discount to the discount value
    • Set DiscountReason to the reason for the discount

If the sale items are known for a refund, they should be represented in the SaleItem array, otherwise the SaleItem array can be left empty.

For example, if a customer purchases three pairs of shoes, and returns one pair:

  • If the Sale System records the returned item, it should include that item in the SaleItem array with the refund
  • If the Sale System does not record the returned item, but is able to match to the original purchase, it should populate the SaleItem array with the items from the orignial purchase.
  • If the Sale System does not record the return item, and is unable to match to the original purchase, the SaleItem array can be left empty

Refund SaleItem objects are represented the same as purchase SaleItem objects.

For example:

  • The fields marked as mandatory are still mandatory
  • Each ItemAmount is a positive amount which reflects the amount being refunded
  • The Quantity reflects the number of the sale item being refunded

Sale Item Tags

String array with descriptive tags for the product.


Commercial or distribution channel of the item. Default = "Unknown"


Mandatory for pre-authorisation and completion, otherwise optional.

A globally unique value, used to link a related series of transactions.

For example, a pre-authorisation, followed by a pre-authorisation top-up, and then a completion all require the same SaleReferenceID in the request.

The Sale System must ensure the SaleReferenceID is unique across all SaleID's and POIID's across the merchant. If Sale Systems are not synchronised, it is recommended that this value should be a UUID to ensure uniqueness.


Identification of a transaction for a given SaleId.

Contains the following fields:

TransactionIDString(1,128)Unique reference for this sale ticket. Not necessarily unique per payment request; for example a sale with split payments will have a number of payments with the same TransactionID
TimeStampISO8601Time of initiating the payment request on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"


An optional value sent in the Login Request for information only. Used to identify the shift that drives the Sale Terminal during the session.

If present, totals in the ReconciliationResponse will be grouped by this value. If not present, payment transactions that do not specify a ShiftNumber will not be grouped under a ShiftNumber.

Note that different shifts may still occur during the same login session by setting a ShiftNumber per payment.


The ServiceID is a text string between 1 and 10 characters long, which must uniquely identify a transaction between a Sale System and a POI Terminal over a short time period (e.g. one day).

The ServiceID of the message response is mirrored from the ServiceID in the message request. This allows for duplicate message checks.

The POI System will validate that the ServiceID is different from the previous request. The Sale System should validate that the ServiceID in the response matches the ServiceID sent in the request.

The ServiceID is used to identify a transaction to retrieve in a transaction status request.


The software version of the Sale System.

Must be the software version of the current Sale System build.


Indicates if a payment is a split payment. Default to false.


Type of stored value account References. Allow the distinction of the stored value instrument to access the stored value account.

GiftCardPayment mean issued by retailers or banks as a substitute to a non-monetary gift.
PhoneCardStored value instrument used to pay telephone services (e.g. card or identifier).
OtherOther stored value instrument.


The identification of the stored value account conforming to the IdentificationType.


Identification of the provider of the stored value account load/reload References

When the ProductCode is not sufficient to identify the provider host which deliver the load or reload of the stored value account.


Identification of operation to proceed on the stored value account or the stored value card

ReserveReserve the account (e.g. get an activation code)
ActivateActivate the account or the card
LoadLoad the account or the card with money
UnloadUnload the account
ReverseReverse an activation or loading.
DuplicateDuplicate the code or number provided by the loading or activation


The amount of any surcharge added to the transaction


Type of tax associated with the item. Default = "GST"


Groups transactions in a login session.

This can be used for reconciliation purposes and may span a single day or different periods.

If not present, payment transactions will remain ungrouped.


Type of transaction for which totals are grouped.

DebitPayment Debit transactions (e.g. if PaymentType is "Normal")
CreditPayment Credit transactions (e.g. if PaymentType is "Refund")
CashAdvanceCash-out payment types or cash components of a Normal payment type
ReverseDebitPayment Reversal Debit transactions
ReverseCreditPayment Reversal Credit transactions
OneTimeReservationOutstanding one-time pre-authorisation transactions, i.e. between pre-authorisation and completion
CompletedDefferedOne-time Pre-authorisation transactions which have been completed by the completion.
FirstReservationInitial pre-authorisation payment types
UpdateReservationUpdated pre-authorisation payment types
CompletedReservationPre-authorisation transactions which have been completed by the completion
DeclinedTransactions which has not been approved (Result = "Failure" and ErrorCondition = "Refusal").
FailedTransactions which have not successfully completed (Result = "Failure" and ErrorCondition not equal to "Refusal").


Available values:

  • Attended - a cashier interface is present
  • SemiAttended - a cashier is present but not interfaced
  • Unattended - no cashier is present


Date and time of a transaction for the Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer.

Formatted as ISO8601. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00"

Used to ensure the uniqueness of a transaction for Sale System, the POI System or the Acquirer, or indicates the time when the event occurs in the EventNotification message.


The Tip amount included in the transaction. POI Terminal behaviour depending on the TipAmount:

NullNo Tip Entry screenWill prompt for Tip Entry screen
BlankWill prompt for Tip Entry screenValue not allowed
0 or 0.00Will prompt for Tip Entry screenNo Tip Entry screen
greater than 0Will include TipAmount in sale, will prompt for Tip Entry screen with the requested tipAmount valueWill include TipAmount in sale, will prompt for Tip Entry screen with the requested tipAmount value

For FusionCloud TippingMode should be enable on the POI Terminal setting For FusionSatellite FeatureTipEnabled should be turned on on the POI Terminal setting

Please contact the DataMesh integrations team at to set this up for you


The TokenRequestedType is an optional field per transaction. Indicates if a token should be created for this sale, and if so which type of token.

  • If not present no token is created
  • If set to "Transaction" a token is created which is only valid for the transaction. For example to process a subsequent Refund or Void/Reversal.
  • If set to "Customer" a token is created which represents the PAN, and can be used to represent the card holder for a longer period.

If a Payment is requested using a PaymentToken of the same TokenRequestedType and this JSON element is present, the existing Token is replaced. This can affect other Sale Terminals, so use with caution.



Used to identify a transaction on the Sale System or POI System.


Unit of measure of the Quantity

Available values:

  • Case
  • Foot
  • UKGallon
  • USGallon
  • Gram
  • Inch
  • Kilogram
  • Pound
  • Meter
  • Centimetre
  • Litre
  • Centilitre
  • Ounce
  • Quart
  • Pint
  • Mile
  • Kilometre
  • Yard
  • Other


Price per item unit