Fusion Satellite
The Fusion Satellite API allows a Sale System running on the POI terminal to communicate with the DataMesh Satellite payment application on the same POI terminal using inter-app communication with Android intents.
DataMesh have published a library to Maven Central which wraps the Satellite API. This is the recommended method of interacting with the Fusion Satellite API.
Description | Location | |
Library | on Maven Central | |
Library | on GitHub | |
Demo Application utilising the library | on GitHub | Tested on PAX (PAX 920) |
Another POS on Pinpad Demo Application | on GitHub | Tested on PAX (PAX 920) and Ingenico (DX8000) |
How to include the library
implementation "com.datameshgroup.fusion:fusion-sdk:1.3.4"
If you are using Android you will need to add Java 8 syntax desugaring. In your app's build.gradle
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
dependencies {
coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.1.5'
Device Specific Changes
If your Sale System on Pinpad uses the device(s) listed below, the following changes need to be included in your application:
If your Sale System on Pinpad only supports PAX:
- Modify the App Manifest file to add the following permission:
<uses-permission android:name="com.pax.permission.PRINTER" />
If your Sale System on Pinpad supports Ingenico or
If your Sale System on Pinpad supports both Ingenico and PAX:
Since not all the required changes specific to your application may be listed below, please refer to the POS on Pinpad Demo Application code in GitHub. This POS on Pinpad Demo Application code in GitHub has been tested in both Ingenico (DX8000) and PAX (PAX 920)
Please only copy the code/files relevant to the device(s) that you support.(e.g. copy only the relevant Ingenico code/file(s) if you only support Ingenico)
- Add the relevant Library Files
- Add the relevant device specific files:
- Add the DeviceInterface.java file and its references to your code.
- Update your app's build.gradle
flavorDimensions 'device'
productFlavors {
pax {
dimension "device"
applicationId = "you_application_id_here"
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'DEVICE_PAX', 'true'
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'DEVICE_IGO', 'false'
buildConfigField 'String', 'VERSION_TYPE', "\"v1\""
ingenico {
dimension "device"
applicationId = "you_application_id_here"
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'DEVICE_PAX', 'false'
buildConfigField 'boolean', 'DEVICE_IGO', 'true'
buildConfigField 'String', 'VERSION_TYPE', "\"v1\""
Sending messages
The Satellite API utilises an Android intent with request/response objects based on the Nexo SaleToPOIRequest
and SaleToPOIResponse
Sample code for Sending a Payment Request
Please refer to the method in the file listed below to view sample code handling on how to perform a payment/refund.
Method Name | GitHub File | GitHub Repository |
sendPaymentRequest | ActivityPayment.java | pos-on-pinpad-demo |
Intent request
The app uses intents to send and receive messages
Intent intent = new Intent(Message.INTENT_ACTION_SALETOPOI_REQUEST);
// All messages to and from the terminal are wrapped inside a Message object.
// Here request is a SaleToPOIRequest object.
Message message = new Message(request);
intent.putExtra(Message.INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE, message.toJson());
// name of this app, that get's treated as the POS label by the terminal.
intent.putExtra(Message.INTENT_EXTRA_APPLICATION_NAME, "DemoPOS");
intent.putExtra(Message.INTENT_EXTRA_APPLICATION_VERSION, "1.0.0");
// we are using 100 as the request code - but you can use anything you want.
startActivityForResult(intent, 100);
Intent response
In the same activity, add the following code.
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent data){
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, responseCode, data);
if(data != null && data.hasExtra(Message.INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE)) {
void handleResponseIntent(Intent intent){
// The response is sent as a Json and we will need to deserialize it.
Message message = null;
message = Message.fromJson(intent.getStringExtra(Message.INTENT_EXTRA_MESSAGE));
} catch(Exception e){
// json errors may occur,
// if this is occuring, make sure you are using the latest fusion-sdk library
SaleToPOIResponse response = message.response;
// we can now access the data.
Request/response object
"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"SaleToPOIResponse": {
All messages use JSON format with UTF-8 encoding.
Supported primitive data elements are:
- String text string of variable length
- Boolean true or false
- Number defined in this document as either
. For all number fields the Sale System MUST remove the digits equal to zero on left and the right of the value and any useless decimal point (eg. 00320.00 is expressed 320, and 56.10 is expressed 56.1). This simplifies parsing and MAC calculations. - Null optional types can be represented as null
Additional fields will be added to the message specification over time. To ensure forwards compatibility the Sale System must ignore when extra objects and fields are present in response messages.
The base of every message is the SaleToPOIRequest
object for requests, and SaleToPOIResponse
object for responses.
The SaleToPOIRequest
and SaleToPOIResponse
contain two objects:
- A MessageHeader object.
- A Payload object of variable types.
A MessageHeader
is included with each request and response. It defines the protocol and message type.
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | Informs the receiver of the class of message. Possible values are "Service", "Device", or "Event" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | Indicates the category of message. Possible values are "CardAcquisition", "Display", "Login", "Logout", "Payment" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | Type of message. Possible values are "Request", "Response", or "Notification" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | A unique value which will be mirrored in the response. See ServiceID. |
An object which defines fields for the request/response. The object name depends on the MessageCategory defined in the MessageHeader
e.g. a payment will include a PaymentRequest
The Satellite API Reference outlines the expected payload for each supported request.
The payment message is used to perform purchase, purchase + cash out, cash out only, refund, pre-authorisation, and completion requests.
Payment request
Payment request
"TokenRequestedType":"Customer | Transaction"
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "xxx",
"Type": "xxx",
"Value": "xxx"
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | "Service" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | "Payment" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | "Request" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | A unique value which will be mirrored in the response. See ServiceID. |
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
SaleData | ✔ | Object | Sale System information attached to this payment |
OperatorID | String | Only required if different from Login Request | |
OperatorLanguage | String | Set to "en" | |
ShiftNumber | String | Only required if different from Login Request | |
SaleReferenceID | String | Mandatory for pre-authorisation and completion, otherwise optional. See SaleReferenceID | |
TokenRequestedType | String | If present, indicates which type of token should be created for this payment. See TokenRequestedType | |
SaleTransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | Unique reference for this sale ticket. Not necessarily unique per payment request; for example a sale with split payments will have a number of payments with the same TransactionID |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | Time of initiating the payment request on the POI System, formatted as ISO8601 DateTime. e.g. "2019-09-02T09:13:51.0+01:00" |
SaleTerminalData | Object | Define Sale System configuration. Only include if elements within have different values to those in Login Request | |
TerminalEnvironment | String | "Attended", "SemiAttended", or "Unattended" | |
SaleCapabilities | Array | Advises the POI System of the Sale System capabilities. See SaleCapabilities | |
TotalsGroupId | String | Groups transactions in a login session | |
PaymentTransaction | ✔ | Object | |
AmountsReq | ✔ | Object | Object which contains the various components which make up the payment amount |
Currency | ✔ | String | Three character currency code. Set to "AUD" |
RequestedAmount | ✔ | Decimal | The requested amount for the transaction sale items, including cash back and tip requested |
CashBackAmount | Decimal | The Cash back amount. Only if cash back is included in the transaction by the Sale System | |
TipAmount | Decimal | The Tip amount. Inlude this in the request if you want the Tip handled on your app. Otherwise, if you want to show the Tip Prompt via Satellite, do not include this parameter in the request. | |
PaidAmount | Decimal | Sum of the amount of sale items – RequestedAmount . Present only if an amount has already been paid in the case of a split payment. | |
MaximumCashBackAmount | Decimal | Available if CashBackAmount is not present. If present, the POI Terminal prompts for the cash back amount up to a maximum of MaximumCashBackAmount | |
MinimumSplitAmount | Decimal | Present only if the POI Terminal can process an amount less than the RequestedAmount as a split amount. Limits the minimum split amount allowed. | |
OriginalPOITransaction | Object | Identifies a previous POI transaction. Mandatory for Refund and Completion. See OriginalPOITransaction | |
SaleID | ✔ | String | SaleID which performed the original transaction |
POIID | ✔ | String | POIID which performed the original transaction |
POITransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | TransactionID from the original transaction |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | TimeStamp from the original transaction |
ReuseCardDataFlag | Boolean | If 'true' the POI Terminal will retrieve the card data from file based on the PaymentToken included in the request. Otherwise the POI Terminal will read the same card again. | |
ApprovalCode | String | Present if a referral code is obtained from an Acquirer | |
LastTransactionFlag | ✔ | Boolean | Set to true to process the Last Transaction with a referral code |
TransactionConditions | Object | Optional transaction configuration. Present only if any of the JSON elements within are present. | |
AllowedPaymentBrand | Array | Restricts the request to specified card brands. See AllowedPaymentBrand | |
AcquirerID | Array | Used to restrict the payment to specified acquirers. See AcquirerID | |
DebitPreferredFlag | Boolean | If present, debit processing is preferred to credit processing. | |
ForceOnlineFlag | Boolean | If 'true' the transaction will only be processed in online mode, and will fail if there is no response from the Acquirer. | |
MerchantCategoryCode | String | If present, overrides the MCC used for processing the transaction if allowed. Refer to ISO 18245 for available codes. | |
SaleItem | ✔ | Array | Array of SaleItem objects which represent the product basket attached to this transaction. See SaleItem for examples. |
ItemID | ✔ | Integer | A unique identifier for the sale item within the context of this payment. e.g. a 0..n integer which increments by one for each sale item. |
ProductCode | ✔ | String | A unique identifier for the product within the merchant, such as the SKU. For example if two customers purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode . |
EanUpc | String | A standard unique identifier for the product. Either the UPC, EAN, or ISBN. Required for products with a UPC, EAN, or ISBN | |
UnitOfMeasure | ✔ | String | Unit of measure of the Quantity . If this item has no unit of measure, set to "Other" |
Quantity | ✔ | Decimal | Sale item quantity based on UnitOfMeasure . |
UnitPrice | ✔ | Decimal | Price per sale item unit. Present if Quantity is included. |
ItemAmount | ✔ | Decimal | Total amount of the sale item |
TaxCode | String | Type of tax associated with the sale item. Default = "GST" | |
SaleChannel | String | Commercial or distribution channel of the sale item. Default = "Unknown" | |
ProductLabel | ✔ | String | a short, human readable, descriptive name of the product. For example, ProductLabel could contain the product name typically printed on the customer receipt. |
AdditionalProductInfo | String | Additional information, or more detailed description of the product item. | |
ParentItemID | Integer | Required if this item is a 'modifier' or sub-item. Contains the ItemID of the parent SaleItem | |
CostBase | Decimal | Cost of the product to the merchant per unit | |
Discount | Decimal | If applied, the amount this sale item was discounted by | |
Categories | Array | Array of categories. Top level "main" category at categories[0]. See Categories for more information. | |
Brand | String | Brand name - typically visible on the product packaging or label | |
QuantityInStock | Decimal | Remaining number of this item in stock in same unit of measure as Quantity | |
Tags | Array | String array with descriptive tags for the product | |
Restricted | Boolean | true if this is a restricted item, false otherwise. Defaults to false when field is null. | |
PageURL | String | URL link to the sale items product page | |
ImageURLs | Array | String array of images URLs for this sale item | |
Style | String | Style of the sale item | |
Size | String | Size of the sale item | |
Colour | String | Colour of the sale item | |
Weight | Decimal | Sale item weight, based on WeightUnitOfMeasure | |
WeightUnitOfMeasure | String | Unit of measure of the Weight . | |
PaymentData | ✔ | Object | Object representing the payment method. Present only if any of the JSON elements within are present. |
PaymentType | ✔ | String | Defaults to "Normal". Indicates the type of payment to process. "Normal", "Refund", "CashAdvance", "FirstReservation", or "Completion". See PaymentType |
PaymentInstrumentData | Object | Object with represents card details for token or manually enter card details. See for object structure | |
CustomFields | Array | Array of key/type/value objects containing additional payment information |
Payment response
Payment response
"Result":"Success| Partial | Failure",
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | "Service" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | "Payment" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | "Response" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | Mirrored from the request |
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
Response | ✔ | Object | Object indicating the result of the payment |
Result | ✔ | String | Indicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure" |
ErrorCondition | String | Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values. | |
AdditionalResponse | String | Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values. | |
SaleData | ✔ | Object | |
SaleTransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | Mirrored from the request |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | Mirrored from the request |
SaleReferenceID | String | Mirrored from the request | |
POIData | ✔ | Object | |
POITransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | A unique transaction id from the POI system |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | Time on the POI system, formatted as ISO8601 |
POIReconciliationID | String | Present if Result is "Success" or "Partial". See POIReconciliationID | |
PaymentResult | Object | Object related to a processed payment | |
PaymentType | String | Mirrored from the request | |
PaymentInstrumentData | Object | ||
PaymentInstrumentType | String | "Card" or "Mobile" | |
CardData | Object | ||
EntryMode | ✔ | String | Indicates how the card was presented. See EntryMode |
PaymentBrand | ✔ | String | Indicates the card type used. See PaymentBrand |
MaskedPAN | ✔ | String | PAN masked with dots, first 6 and last 4 digits visible |
Account | String | Present if EntryMode is "MagStripe", "ICC", or "Tapped". Indicates the card account used. See Account | |
PaymentToken | Object | Object representing a token. Only present if token was requested | |
TokenRequestedType | ✔ | String | Mirrored from the request |
TokenValue | ✔ | String | The value of the token |
ExpiryDateTime | ✔ | String | Expiry of the token, formatted as ISO8601 |
AmountsResp | Object | Present if Result is "Success" or "Partial" | |
Currency | String | "AUD" | |
AuthorizedAmount | ✔ | Decimal | Authorised amount which could be more, or less than the requested amount |
TotalFeesAmount | Decimal | Total of financial fees associated with the payment transaction if known at time of transaction | |
CashBackAmount | Decimal | Cash back paid amount | |
TipAmount | Decimal | The amount of any tip added to the transaction | |
SurchargeAmount | Decimal | The amount of any surcharge added to the transaction | |
OnlineFlag | ✔ | Boolean | True if the transaction was processed online, false otherwise |
PaymentAcquirerData | Object | Data related to the response from the payment acquirer | |
AcquirerID | ✔ | String | The ID of the acquirer which processed the transaction |
MerchantID | ✔ | String | The acquirer merchant ID (MID) |
AcquirerPOIID | ✔ | String | The acquirer terminal ID (TID) |
AcquirerTransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | The acquirer transaction ID |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | Timestamp from the acquirer, formatted as ISO8601 |
ApprovalCode | ✔ | String | The Acquirer Approval Code. Also referred to as the Authentication Code |
ResponseCode | ✔ | String | The Acquirer Response Code. Also referred as the PINPad response code |
STAN | String | The Acquirer STAN if available | |
RRN | String | The Acquirer RRN if available | |
HostReconciliationID | ✔ | String | Identifier of a reconciliation period with the acquirer. This normally has a date and time component in it |
AllowedProductCodes | Array | Present if ErrorCondition is "PaymentRestriction". Consists of a list of product codes corresponding to products that are purchasable with the given card. Items that exist in the basket but do not belong to this list corresponds to restricted items | |
PaymentReceipt | Array | Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed | |
DocumentQualifier | ✔ | String | "CashierReceipt" for a merchant receipt, otherwise "SaleReceipt" |
RequiredSignatureFlag | ✔ | Boolean | If true, the card holder signature is required on the merchant CashierReceipt. |
OutputContent | Object | Payment receipt object which represents the receipt that needs to be printed | |
OutputFormat | ✔ | String | "XHTML" |
OutputXHTML | ✔ | String | The payment receipt in XHTML format but coded in BASE64 |
Transaction status
A transaction status request can be used to obtain the status of a previous transaction. Required for error handling.
Transaction status request
Transaction status request
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | "Service" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | "TransactionStatus" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | "Request" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | A unique value which will be mirrored in the response. See ServiceID. |
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageReference | Object | Identification of a previous POI transaction. Present if it contains any data. | |
MessageCategory | String | "Payment" | |
ServiceID | String | The ServiceID of the transaction to retrieve the status of. If not included the last payment status is returned. |
Transaction status response
Transaction status response
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | "Service" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | "TransactionStatus" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | "Response" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | Mirrored from request |
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
Response | ✔ | Object | Object indicating the result of the payment |
Result | ✔ | String | Indicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure" |
ErrorCondition | String | Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values. | |
AdditionalResponse | String | Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values. | |
MessageReference | Object | Identification of a previous POI transaction. Present if Result is "Success", or Result is "Failure" and ErrorCondition is "InProgress" | |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | Mirrored from request |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | Mirrored from request, or ServiceID of last transaction if not present in request. |
RepeatedMessageResponse | Object | Present if Result is "Success" | |
MessageHeader | ✔ | Object | MessageHeader of the requested payment |
PaymentResponse | ✔ | Object | PaymentResponse of the requested payment |
A successful payment transaction can be voided/reversed by sending a reversal request message.
There are only specific cases wherein the reversal request message must be sent. In most cases, refund request message should be sent instead.
Please discuss first with the DataMesh Integrations team at integrations@datameshgroup.com if you plan to implement any void/reversal processing.
When the Sale System receives the successful payment response, the Sale System needs to store the TransactionID (Response.POIData.POITransactionID.TransactionID) since this will be used in the reversal request message.
Reversal request
The reversal message is used to perform void/reversal request.
Reversal request
"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageCategory": "Reversal",
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageType": "Request",
"ProtocolVersion": "3.1-dmg",
"ServiceID": "xxx"
"ReversalRequest": {
"OriginalPOITransaction": {
"ReuseCardDataFlag": true,
"POIID": "xxx",
"POITransactionID": {
"TimeStamp": "xxx",
"TransactionID": "xxx" //This should be the set to the TransactionID in the Original Successful Payment Response
"SaleID": "xxx"
"ReversalReason": "SignatureDeclined"// (e.g. CustCancel, MerchantCancel, Malfunction, Unable2Compl, SignatureDeclined, Unknown)
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | "Service" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | "Reversal" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | "Request" |
ProtocolVersion | ✔ | String | "3.1-dmg" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | A unique value which will be mirrored in the response. See ServiceID. |
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
OriginalPOITransaction | ✔ | Object | Identifies a previous POI transaction. See OriginalPOITransaction |
SaleID | ✔ | String | SaleID which performed the original transaction |
POIID | ✔ | String | POIID which performed the original transaction |
ReuseCardDataFlag | Boolean | If 'true' the POI Terminal will retrieve the card data from file based on the PaymentToken included in the request. Otherwise the POI Terminal will read the same card again. | |
POITransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | TransactionID from the original transaction |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | TimeStamp from the original transaction |
ReversalReason | ✔ | Object | Reason for cancelling the successful payment transaction. See ReversalReason |
Reversal response
Reversal response
"SaleToPOIResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageCategory": "Reversal",
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageType": "Response",
"POIID": "xxx",
"ProtocolVersion": "3.1-dmg",
"ServiceID": "xxx"
"ReversalResponse": {
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TimeStamp": "xxx",
"TransactionID": "xxxx"
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "SaleReceipt",
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"OutputXHTML": "xxx"
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false
"DocumentQualifier": "CashierReceipt",
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"OutputXHTML": "xxx"
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false
"Response": {
"Result": "Success"
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
MessageClass | ✔ | String | "Service" |
MessageCategory | ✔ | String | "Reversal" |
MessageType | ✔ | String | "Response" |
ProtocolVersion | ✔ | String | "3.1-dmg" |
ServiceID | ✔ | String | Mirrored from the request |
Attributes | Requ. | Format | Description |
Response | ✔ | Object | Object indicating the result of the payment |
Result | ✔ | String | Indicates the result of the response. Possible values are "Success" and "Failure" |
ErrorCondition | String | Indicates the reason an error occurred. Only present when Result is "Failure". See ErrorCondition for more information on possible values. | |
AdditionalResponse | String | Provides additional error information. Only present when Result is "Failure". See AdditionalResponse for more information on possible values. | |
POIData | ✔ | Object | |
POITransactionID | ✔ | Object | |
TransactionID | ✔ | String | A unique transaction id from the POI system |
TimeStamp | ✔ | String | Time on the POI system, formatted as ISO8601 |
PaymentReceipt | Array | Array of payment receipt objects which represent receipts to be printed | |
DocumentQualifier | ✔ | String | "CashierReceipt" for a merchant receipt, otherwise "SaleReceipt" |
RequiredSignatureFlag | ✔ | Boolean | If true, the card holder signature is required on the merchant CashierReceipt. |
OutputContent | Object | Payment receipt object which represents the receipt that needs to be printed | |
OutputFormat | ✔ | String | "XHTML" |
OutputXHTML | ✔ | String | The payment receipt in XHTML format but coded in BASE64 |