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Fusion API Fuel Extension

The Fusion API Fuel Extension is of features and requirements which extend the Fusion API Core which adds support for current and future fuel payment types accepted by DataMesh. (e.g. FleetCard, Shell Card, MotorPass etc)

What is a fuel card

A fuel card is a payment card specifically designed for drivers of business vehicles to pay for their fuel.

They can be configured to allow the purchase of only certain product categories, making it easier for business owners to track and manage fuel expenses. Fuel cards also reduce paper work, and can offer volume discounts.

Service stations accepting fuel card payments can attract more customers, especially those using company vehicles.

Mandatory features

The table below provides an overview of the mandatory integration requirements for the Fusion API Fuel Extension which are required for your selected integration type.

FeatureFusion AppFusion SatelliteFusion Cloud
Cashout (not supported on fuel cards)
Extended SaleItem fuel product fields
Dynamic surcharge
Split payments
Matched refund
QR code pairing
Display request handling
Input request handling
Print request handling

Extended SaleItem


A payment through the Fusion API Fuel Extension expands the mandatory fields for a SaleItem.

The Fusion API requires the Sale System populate the SaleItem array with the basket items for every payment. The Fusion API Fuel Extension expands the mandatory fields required in each item to enable fuel card purchases.

The extra SaleItem fields required for the Fusion API Fuel Extension are as follows:

  • For every basket item, the Sale System must populate the fuel product code(s) within CustomFields
  • For fuel sale items only, the Sale System must populate UnitOfMeasure, Quantity, UnitPrice, and ItemAmount representing the number of litres, price per litre, and total fuel price

For fuel sale items, ItemAmount must equal Quantity multiplied by UnitPrice, rounded up, or to the nearest cent.

Consolidation of items

The Sale System must consolodate any items in the SaleItem[] array with the same ProductCode.

When non-fuel items are combined, Quantity indicates the total count of the product in the sale and UnitPrice is the price per product, and ItemAmount is the total amount of the product in the sale (e.g. Quantity * UnitPrice rounded up to the nearest cent)

When fuel items are combined, Quantity indicates the total combined litres, UnitPrice indicates the price per litre, and ItemAmount is the total amount of the product in the sale (e.g. Quantity * UnitPrice rounded up to the nearest cent).

As they are combined, fuel products with the same fuel product code must have the same UnitPrice (price per litre) value.

Fuel sale item details

ItemIDInteger(0,9999)A unique identifier for the sale item within the context of this payment. e.g. a 0..n integer which increments by one for each sale item.
ProductCodeString(0,128)A unique identifier for the product within the merchant, such as the SKU. For example if two customers purchase the same product at two different stores owned by the merchant, both purchases should contain the same ProductCode.
UnitOfMeasureEnumUnit of measure of the Quantity. Set to "Litre"
QuantityDecimal(0,999999,8)Number of litres as read from the pump (decimal, maximum precision 6.8)
UnitPriceDecimal(0,999999,8)Price per litre from the pump (decimal, maximum precision 6.8)
ItemAmountCurrency(0.01,99999.99)The amount of the fuel product as presented to the cardholder (decimal 6.2 rounded to the nearest cent). This must equal Quantity * UnitPrice rounded up, or to the nearest cent.
ProductLabelString(0,1024)A short, human readable, descriptive name of the product. For example, ProductLabel could contain the product name typically printed on the customer receipt.
CategoriesArray(String)Array of categories. Top level "main" category at categories[0]. See Categories for more information.
TagsArray(String)String array with descriptive tags for the product
CustomFieldsArray(Object)Array of key/type/value objects which define the fuel product code for the item.

Fuel product code

What is a fuel product code

A fuel card may be configured by the fuel card provider to allow the purchase of specific product categories (e.g. only fuel, or fuel + services, or fuel + services + shop items)

For each item in the basket the Sale System must include a fuel product code which defines the product category the sale item belongs to.

This enables the fuel card provider to determine if the basket should be accepted for the fuel card presented.

Setting the fuel product code

The Sale System must add at least one fuel product code into every sale item.

The Sale System sets a fuel product code in each sale item by adding a key/value/type entry to the CustomFields array, where:

  • Key is the product code type (e.g. FuelProductCodeShellCard or FuelProductCode)
  • Type is "String"
  • Value is the value of the product code

For example, the follow CustomFields JSON sets FuelProductCodeShellCard to 2.

"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"

See example fuel api basket for an example basket.

Currently, DataMesh supports the Sale System setting either FuelProductCodeShellCard or FuelProductCode. DataMesh will perform the required mapping from these codes to handle all other supported fuel card types.


If the Sale System only supports setting one code, it should set FuelProductCodeShellCard

Supported product codes:

Product code type (Key)Fuel card supportProduct codes (Value)
FuelProductCodeBP, Shell Card, Fleet Card, Motorpass

FuelProductCode codes

3Premium ULP
4Auto Gas
6AdBlue Packaged
12Repairs and Maintenance
14Car Wash
15Accident and Damage
17Diesel G50
18Premium Ethnl
19ULP Ethnl
22No GST
25Diesel 5
26AdBlue Pump
27Weigh Bridge
2910 Diesel
30ULT Diesel
FuelProductCodeShellCardBP, Shell Card, Fleet Card, Motorpass

FuelProductCodeShellCard codes

1Unleaded E10
2Unleaded Petrol
3Premium Unleaded
7Premium Unleaded 98
9Unleaded 95
10Premium Diesel
11Car Parts
12Car Service Labour
13Auto Care Oils
14Franchised Car Service
17Car Tyres
18Car Batteries
19Car Service Opp
20Car Service Other
31Car Wash & Detail
40GST-Free Products
42Car Accessories
43Car Care
47Dairy & Deli
49Take Away Food
52Ice Products
55Auto Oils
56Rentals & Deposits
57Travel & Leisure
60LP Gas Bottles

Maximum number of product codes

  • There is no limit on the number of individual product entries in the SaleItem[] array.
  • A single sale can include up to 5 unique fuel product codes.
  • A single sale can include up to 12 unique product codes in total (both fuel and non-fuel).

Example: If a purchase includes 15 grocery items and E10 petrol:

  • The SaleItem[] array will have 16 entries
  • There will be two unique product codes: one for groceries/shop and one for E10 petrol.

This is a valid request.

Supporting multiple fuel product codes


This is optional. If the Sale System only supports setting one code, it should set FuelProductCodeShellCard

DataMesh supports the Sale System providing multiple fuel product codes for each sale item.

If multiple fuel product codes are provided and a fuel card is presented, DataMesh will first attempt to use the fuel product codes for the card brand. If not provided, DataMesh will map from FuelProductCodeShellCard or FuelProductCode.

For example; if an Caltex StarCard is presented, DataMesh will attempt to load the fuel product code from FuelProductCodeCaltexStarCard. If not provied by the Sale System, DataMesh will map from FuelProductCodeShellCard or FuelProductCode.

All supported fuel product code types:

Product codeFuel card
FuelProductCodeAmpolCardAmpol Card
FuelProductCodeBP Card
FuelProductCodeCaltexStarCardCaltex StarCard
FuelProductCodeFleetCardFleet Card
FuelProductCodeFreedomFuelCardFreedom Fuel Card
FuelProductCodeLibertyCardLiberty Card
FuelProductCodeShellCardShell Card
FuelProductCodeTrinityFuelCardTrinity Fuel Card
FuelProductCodeUnitedFuelCardUnited Fuel Card

Discounts and surcharges


Fuel card payments require the amount requested to always match the sum of the items in the basket.

The Sale System must ensure that after the discount or surcharge has been applied;

  1. The amount requested matches the sum of the items in the basket.
  2. ItemAmount equals Quantity multiplied by UnitPrice, rounded up, or to the nearest cent.

To apply a surcharge:

  • Adjust the Quantity and/or UnitPrice to reflect the surcharged price, ensuring ItemAmount equals Quantity multiplied by UnitPrice
  • Send the payment request

To apply a fuel item discount:

  • Adjust the Quantity and/or UnitPrice to reflect the discounted price, ensuring ItemAmount equals Quantity multiplied by UnitPrice
  • In the SaleItem, populate Discount with the discounted amount
  • In the SaleItem, populate DiscountReason with the reason the discount was applied
  • Send the payment request
Example discounted fuel item

"SaleItem": [
"ItemID": 0,
"ProductCode": "ABX123",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 42.252,
"UnitPrice": 2.00,
"ItemAmount": 84.50,
"Discount": 6.34,
"Discount": "Cafe + fuel discount",
"ProductLabel": "Unleaded Petrol",
"Categories": ["Fuel"],
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"

Example fuel API basket

Example fuel API sale item

"SaleItem": [{
"ItemID": 0,
"ProductCode": "ABX123",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 42.252,
"UnitPrice": 2.15,
"ItemAmount": 90.84,
"ProductLabel": "Unleaded Petrol",
"Categories": ["Fuel"],
"CustomFields": [{
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"
}, {
"ItemID": 1,
"ProductCode": "5000112576009",
"EanUpc": "5000112576009",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Other",
"Quantity": "2",
"UnitPrice": "1.95",
"ItemAmount": "3.90",
"ProductLabel": "Coca-Cola No Sugar 1.25L",
"CostBase": "0.75",
"Categories": ["Drinks", "Soft Drink"],
"Brand": "Coca-Cola",
"QuantityInStock": "42",
"CustomFields": [{
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "48"

Split payments


For fuel card payments, the amount requested must match the sum of the items in the basket.

For cash and scheme cards, the standard split payments user flow (described here) applies.

However, fuel card payments have unique split payment requirements:

  1. No Split for Single Fuel Purchase: A single fuel purchase cannot be split between a fuel card and another payment option. For instance, a $100 fuel purchase cannot be split into $50 cash and $50 fuel card payments.
  2. Mandatory Basket Split for Unsupported Items: If a fuel card is used to purchase fuel along with items not supported by the card (e.g. tobacco), the Sale System must split the basket. For example, a purchase of $100 fuel and $50 tobacco would require the Sale System to send two transactions with separate baskets. The fuel sale, with the fuel item in the basket followed by and a second sale, with the tobacco item in the basket.

Fuel card holders are typically familiar with these operational processes. Cashiers need to understand this flow for correct POS processing.


Refer here for details on performing a split payment.


To perform a fuel purchase:

  • Construct a purchase request based on the Sale System integration type:
  • Populate every product in the SaleItem[] array with fuel product data CustomFields
  • Populate every fuel product in the SaleItem[] array with fuel product data
  • Fusion Cloud only; handle display, input, and print requests.
  • Handle the payment response
    • The PaymentBrandID field indicates the card type used to complete the payment

Fusion API Fuel Extension purchase request

"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Request",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"PaymentTransaction": {
"AmountsReq": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"RequestedAmount": 117.41
"SaleItem": [
"ItemID": 0,
"ProductCode": "HHETDY12321",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 57.62,
"UnitPrice": 1.97,
"ItemAmount": 113.51,
"ProductLabel": "Unleaded Petrol",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCode",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "5"
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"
"ItemID": 1,
"ProductCode": "5000112576009",
"EanUpc": "5000112576009",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Other",
"Quantity": "2",
"UnitPrice": "1.95",
"ItemAmount": "3.90",
"ProductLabel": "Coca-Cola No Sugar 1.25L",
"CostBase": "0.75",
"Categories": [
"Soft Drink"
"Brand": "Coca-Cola",
"QuantityInStock": "42",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCode",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "13"
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "48"
"PaymentData": {
"PaymentType": "Normal"
"SecurityTrailer": {}

Fusion API Fuel Extension purchase response

"SaleToPOIResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Response",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "65656db57a54cb8f801069ee",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"POIReconciliationID": "64f7f88bd677b0362581bbb5"
"PaymentResult": {
"PaymentType": "Normal",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "Card",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "MagStripe",
"PaymentBrand": "Shell Card",
"PaymentBrandID": "0103",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "Shell Card",
"Account": "Default",
"Expiry": "=720",
"MaskedPAN": "7034305XXXXX2521"
"AmountsResp": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"AuthorizedAmount": 117.41,
"TotalFeesAmount": 0,
"CashBackAmount": 0,
"SurchargeAmount": 0,
"TipAmount": 0
"OnlineFlag": true,
"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": "560251",
"MerchantID": "33435368",
"AcquirerPOIID": "M3AU41",
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "5de73ec1454dde9d70124b5d",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:34:10.320Z"
"ApprovalCode": "554004",
"ResponseCode": "00",
"HostReconciliationID": "20231129",
"RRN": "328132214339126"
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "SaleReceipt",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": true,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"SecurityTrailer": {}



To perform a fuel card refund, some fuel card providers require that the refund be matched to an original purchase.

To ensure that all fuel card refunds can be completed successfully; refunds must be "matched refunds".

We recommend that the Sale System implements matched refunds by including the POITransactionID from the original purchase request. However, if the Sale System doesn’t provide this information (POITransactionID), the Satellite application will request for it.

To perform a fuel refund:

Fusion API Fuel Extension refund request

"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Request",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"PaymentTransaction": {
"AmountsReq": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"RequestedAmount": 117.41
"OriginalPOITransaction": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "65656db57a54cb8f801069ee",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"SaleItem": [
"ItemID": 0,
"ProductCode": "HHETDY12321",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 57.62,
"UnitPrice": 1.97,
"ItemAmount": 113.51,
"ProductLabel": "Unleaded Petrol",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCode",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "5"
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"
"ItemID": 1,
"ProductCode": "5000112576009",
"EanUpc": "5000112576009",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Other",
"Quantity": "2",
"UnitPrice": "1.95",
"ItemAmount": "3.90",
"ProductLabel": "Coca-Cola No Sugar 1.25L",
"CostBase": "0.75",
"Categories": [
"Soft Drink"
"Brand": "Coca-Cola",
"QuantityInStock": "42",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCode",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "13"
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "48"
"PaymentData": {
"PaymentType": "Refund"
"SecurityTrailer": {}

Fusion API Fuel Extension refund response

"SaleToPOIResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Response",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "65656db57a54cb8f801069ee",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"POIReconciliationID": "64f7f88bd677b0362581bbb5"
"PaymentResult": {
"PaymentType": "Normal",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "Card",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "MagStripe",
"PaymentBrand": "Shell Card",
"PaymentBrandID": "0103",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "Shell Card",
"Account": "Default",
"Expiry": "=720",
"MaskedPAN": "7034305XXXXX2521"
"AmountsResp": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"AuthorizedAmount": 117.41,
"TotalFeesAmount": 0,
"CashBackAmount": 0,
"SurchargeAmount": 0,
"TipAmount": 0
"OnlineFlag": true,
"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": "560251",
"MerchantID": "33435368",
"AcquirerPOIID": "M3AU41",
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "5de73ec1454dde9d70124b5d",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:34:10.320Z"
"ApprovalCode": "554004",
"ResponseCode": "00",
"HostReconciliationID": "20231129",
"RRN": "328132214339126"
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "SaleReceipt",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": true,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"SecurityTrailer": {}

Pre-authorisation payment flow


Pre-authorisation payment flow is only available from Fusion Satellite API.

The pre-authorisation payment flow allows the Sale System to reserve funds on a customer's card, enabling the payment to be completed at a later time. This is commonly used in situations where funds need to be reserved before the cardholder can dispense fuel (e.g., pay-at-the-pump).

In the pre-authorisation payment flow:

  • The Sale System sends a pre-authorisation request, specifying the requested products and the amount to reserve on the card.
  • The cardholder presents their fuel card at the POI Terminal, which then completes the authorisation.
  • The Sale System receives a pre-authorisation response, including the authorisation result and, if a fuel card was used, the products allowed on the card.
  • Based on the allowed products, the Sale System unlocks the pump, allowing the cardholder to dispense fuel.
  • After the fuel is dispensed, the Sale System sends a completion request with the full fuel product information.
  • If the cardholder cancels the payment, the Sale System sends a pre-authorisation cancel request instead of a completion request.



A pre-authorisation must be followed by a completion or pre-authorisation cancel.

The pre-authorisation allows the Sale System to reserve funds on a customers card, enabling the payment to be completed at a later time.

The Sale System should follow the extended SaleItem rules to ensure the SaleItem[] array is populated with valid requested fuel products, with the following exceptions:

  • SaleItem.ItemAmount is set to 0
  • SaleItem.Quantity is set to 0
  • Sum of the items in the basket will not match the RequestedAmount

To perform a pre-authorisation:

If no requested products are allowed on the card presented, the POI Terminal will decline the payment request with the payment response set to:


In the example provided below, the Sale System has been requested a $200 pre-authorisation with the requested products "Unleaded Petrol", "Premium Unleaded 98", and "Diesel". The POI Terminal has approved the pre-authorisation, indicating that the allowed products for the card presented are "Unleaded Petrol" and "Premium Unleaded 98".

Fusion API Fuel Extension pre-authorisation request

"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Request",
"ServiceID": "dac2d360-ade3-4a20-a724-ddae65188058",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"SaleReferenceID": "8c583b0d-f1dc-4b7d-a13f-adb8bf0c761d"
"PaymentTransaction": {
"AmountsReq": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"RequestedAmount": 200.00
"SaleItem": [
"ItemID": 0,
"ProductCode": "XXXXXX123456",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 0,
"UnitPrice": 1.97,
"ItemAmount": 0,
"ProductLabel": "Unleaded Petrol",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"
"ItemID": 1,
"ProductCode": "YYYYYY123456",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 0,
"UnitPrice": 2.45,
"ItemAmount": 0,
"ProductLabel": "Premium Unleaded 98",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "7"
"ItemID": 2,
"ProductCode": "ZZZZZZ123456",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 0,
"UnitPrice": 2.20,
"ItemAmount": 0,
"ProductLabel": "Diesel",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "4"
"PaymentData": {
"PaymentType": "FirstReservation"
"SecurityTrailer": {}

Fusion API Fuel Extension pre-authorisation response

"SaleToPOIResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Response",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"SaleReferenceID": "8c583b0d-f1dc-4b7d-a13f-adb8bf0c761d"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "65656db57a54cb8f801069ee",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"POIReconciliationID": "64f7f88bd677b0362581bbb5"
"PaymentResult": {
"PaymentType": "FirstReservation",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "Card",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "MagStripe",
"PaymentBrand": "Shell Card",
"PaymentBrandID": "0103",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "Shell Card",
"Account": "Default",
"Expiry": "=720",
"MaskedPAN": "7034305XXXXX2521"
"AmountsResp": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"AuthorizedAmount": 200.00,
"TotalFeesAmount": 0,
"CashBackAmount": 0,
"SurchargeAmount": 0,
"TipAmount": 0
"OnlineFlag": true,
"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": "560251",
"MerchantID": "33435368",
"AcquirerPOIID": "M3AU41",
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "5de73ec1454dde9d70124b5d",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:34:10.320Z"
"ApprovalCode": "554004",
"ResponseCode": "00",
"HostReconciliationID": "20231129",
"RRN": "328132214339126"
"AllowedProductCodes": [
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "SaleReceipt",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": true,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"SecurityTrailer": {}



A RequestedAmount of a completion must be equal, or less than pre-authorisation RequestedAmount.

Completion captures payment of the amount previously reserved through pre-authorisation.

The Sale System should follow the extended SaleItem rules to ensure the SaleItem[] array is populated with with valid fuel product information.

All products included in a completion must have previously been returned in AllowedProductCodes of the pre-authorisation.

To perform a completion:

Fusion API Fuel Extension completion request

"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Request",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"SaleReferenceID": "8c583b0d-f1dc-4b7d-a13f-adb8bf0c761d"
"PaymentTransaction": {
"AmountsReq": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"RequestedAmount": 83.71
"OriginalPOITransaction": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "65656db57a54cb8f801069ee",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"SaleItem": [
"ItemID": 0,
"ProductCode": "XXXXXX123456",
"UnitOfMeasure": "Litre",
"Quantity": 42.49,
"UnitPrice": 1.97,
"ItemAmount": 83.71,
"ProductLabel": "Unleaded Petrol",
"CustomFields": [
"Key": "FuelProductCodeShellCard",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "2"
"PaymentData": {
"PaymentType": "Completion"
"SecurityTrailer": {}

Fusion API Fuel Extension completion response

"SaleToPOIResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Payment",
"MessageType": "Response",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"PaymentResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "Success"
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"SaleReferenceID": "8c583b0d-f1dc-4b7d-a13f-adb8bf0c761d"
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "982309876239870423987",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"POIReconciliationID": "64f7f88bd677b0362581bbb5"
"PaymentResult": {
"PaymentType": "Completion",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "Card",
"CardData": {
"EntryMode": "MagStripe",
"PaymentBrand": "Shell Card",
"PaymentBrandID": "0103",
"PaymentBrandLabel": "Shell Card",
"Account": "Default",
"Expiry": "=720",
"MaskedPAN": "7034305XXXXX2521"
"AmountsResp": {
"Currency": "AUD",
"AuthorizedAmount": 83.71,
"TotalFeesAmount": 0,
"CashBackAmount": 0,
"SurchargeAmount": 0,
"TipAmount": 0
"OnlineFlag": true,
"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": "560251",
"MerchantID": "33435368",
"AcquirerPOIID": "M3AU41",
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "5de73ec1454dde9d70124b5d",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:34:10.320Z"
"ApprovalCode": "554004",
"ResponseCode": "00",
"HostReconciliationID": "20231129",
"RRN": "328132214339126"
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "SaleReceipt",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": true,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"SecurityTrailer": {}

Pre-authorisation cancel

A successful pre-authorisation must be either completed, or cancelled. To cancel a pre-authorisation, the Sale System sends a ReversalRequest.

To perform a pre-authorisation cancel:

Fusion API Fuel Extension reversal request

"SaleToPOIRequest": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Reversal",
"MessageType": "Request",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"ReversalRequest": {
"SaleData": {
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "422543aba9fc4e9a9a6512517961513c",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T04:33:56.8703432Z"
"SaleReferenceID": "8c583b0d-f1dc-4b7d-a13f-adb8bf0c761d"
"OriginalPOITransaction": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "65656db57a54cb8f801069ee",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"ReversalReason": "MerchantCancel"

Fusion API Fuel Extension reversal response

"SaleToPOIResponse": {
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "Service",
"MessageCategory": "Reversal",
"MessageType": "Response",
"ServiceID": "ec6b7b5f7330484eb533cd26a1306bb0",
"SaleID": "INT POS",
"POIID": "INTP9205"
"ReversalResponse": {
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "982309876239870423987",
"TimeStamp": "2023-11-28T15:34:10.16+11:00"
"POIReconciliationID": "64f7f88bd677b0362581bbb5"
"PaymentReceipt": [
"DocumentQualifier": "SaleReceipt",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": true,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": false,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "XHTML",
"Response": {
"Result": "Success"


There are an expanded set of test cases in the Fusion accreditation to support payments via the Fusion API Fuel Extension.

Contact the DataMesh Integrations Team to discuss the accreditation process.